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Seonghwa was munching his toasted bread when he felt someone was tugging on the hem of his shirt. He turned around and was met with a pair of doe eyes that belonged to Yeonhwa. A smile instantly crept on his face.

"Did you sleep well last night?" he asked and handed the little girl a piece of tuna sandwich. Yeonhwa nodded and sat beside Seonghwa. He never thought that he would build a bond with this little girl as Seonghwa was not really the type who knows how to befriend a kid; he's the only child in the family.

"Where's Yunho?" Seonghwa turned to his side and asked Wooyoung; the latter shrugged. He didn't see him coming back to their room last night. He wondered where Yunho slept last night.

"Speaking of the devil," Wooyoung said when he spotted Yunho heading inside the dining room. His face looked tired as if he didn't get a wink of sleep last night. "Did he drink last night?"

"I don't think so. He seemed to be in a hurry last night but I didn't get the chance to ask further," Seonghwa replied before he passed Yeonhwa a glass of orange juice. She seemed to be enjoying Seonghwa's companion. She was kicking her short legs when the lad ruffled her hair and told her she's a good girl for eating her food well.

Yunho inched towards them with a plate of food in his hand. He didn't utter a single word as he sat down in front of his friends and started to dig in his breakfast. Seonghwa and Wooyoung glanced at each other as if trying to find an answer in each other's eyes to Yunho's sudden silence.

"Did you drink last night?" Wooyoung asked Yunho.

"No." Yunho looked up and raised his brows when both Wooyoung and Seonghwa gave him a questionable look. "What's with you guys?"

"We should be the one to ask you. If I'm being honest, you look like you're haunted by a virgin ghost last night. Did you sleep well last night?" Seonghwa cocked his head.

"Uh—" It would be a lie if he said he slept well last night; he spent most of his remaining nights sitting at the bench outside after he made sure Hyejung was comfortable with her sleep and dwelling with his thoughts. He did sleep — maybe for an hour? — and woke up before his friends did. He then went for a short morning walk to clear his thoughts.

"Hyung!" Their conversation was interrupted when Jongho and Mingi toddled towards Yunho. "Are you going back today?" Mingi asked. They pouted at him.

"Can't you stay with us?" Jongho pleaded, his eyes were teary as his favourite hyung was about to leave.. Yunho swore that he almost cried as it reminded him of when Soobin asked him with tear eyes if he could stay with him. Why am I being all emotional lately? Am I having PMS? Is it possible for man to have one?

"I'll visit you guys again soon, okay?" He smiled at them.

"What if we can't meet again?" Mingi's lower lips jutted out and his eyes were glistened with tears.

Yunho pulled both Mingi and Jongho into a hug and caressed their back softly. "I'm sure we will meet again."

Yeonhwa who was watching the scene suddenly cried. Seonghwa panicked when the girl cried and threw him a hug. "Then Yeonhwa won't be able to meet Seonghwa oppa too." Seonghwa quickly hugged her back and cooed at her so that she will stop crying.

"I didn't expect this," Wooyoung mumbled as he looked back and forth at both Yunho and Seonghwa. It made him want to cry too.


Hyejung scanned around at the desserts that were displayed at her favourite bakery, Crescent Bakery. She decided to stop by the bakery before she headed home. The sweet smell wafting inside the bakery brought a smile to her face; she loves the smell of baked goods. Crescent bakery never fails to serve her good cakes and pastries, especially her favourite carrot cake.

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