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"Thank God there's no damage." Yunho sighed in relief as he held the velvet box in front of him. He stopped his car in front of a row of shops to double check whether there's any damage before he reached the venue; there's half an hour left before the Sujin's birthday party.

Yunho leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes. "Just one more month Jeong Yunho."

He kept the box into a new paper bag and put on his seatbelt. His eyes caught a jewellery store which was situated not far from where he parked his car. A pair of diamond earrings with a necklace that was on display caught his attention.

"I should talk to her when I get back home."

Yunho reached the venue 5 minutes before the party started. Most of his colleagues were already there, enjoying their cocktails and snacks that were prepared for the guest. It was held at one of the luxury night clubs in Gangnam.

"You're almost late." Jun, one of Yunho's colleagues, approached Yunho and handed him a glass of cocktail.

"Give him some slack, mate. His wife probably asked him to change their son's diapers before he went out." Another Yunho's colleague, Chan said from behind.

Yunho just gave them a smile and took the cocktail from Jun before he emptied the glass. He knew most of them didn't like him after he was promoted to become a team leader. Yunho was aware that they were gossiping about him getting the position because of Sujin.

He worked hard to achieve that position and he thought he deserved it.

While it was true that he is indeed a good employee and he deserved to become a team leader, it was also true that he got that position because of Sujin but he didn't know about it. It was not known to Yunho that Sujin already had her eyes on him long before he became the team leader; it's just that she recently made a move on him.

"I'll get to you guys in a bit," he said and left both of his colleagues to go and meet Sujin. He didn't care what they would say anymore because his aim was to get that higher position. Call him greedy but to Yunho, a man should have ambition.

"Oppa!" Sujin beamed when she saw Yunho. "Where have you been? I was looking for you."

"There's a traffic jam when I came here," Yunho lied. "Here. Happy birthday!" He handed her the paper bag.

Sujin gladly took it and her smiles widened when she saw the content inside. "How do you know I like this! This is why I always like you!" Sujin was about to give him a hug but Yunho backed out a bit.

"I need a restroom. I'll be back soon." Yunho hastened towards the nearby restroom, passing by the sea of people who were enjoying the party.

He suddenly needed some break. Yunho knew his colleagues were watching him, trying to find even the tiniest weakness from him. Even though he didn't care what his colleagues said about him, he didn't want to be seen hugging another woman when he's a married man.

When Yunho finally reached the restroom door, he heard Jun was talking to someone inside; it seemed like he was talking to a group of people because Yunho could hear their laughter. His ears perked when he heard his name was mentioned.

"So they were talking about me. They should know how to talk in private," Yunho scoffed. He stopped one of the waiters that was holding a tray of alcoholic drinks and took a glass of it. "Is it strong?" he asked and the waiter nodded.

Yunho needed strong alcohol because he already went through a lot today. As if the fight that he's having with Hyejung today was not giving him enough headache, now he needs to listen to his colleagues talking bad about him.

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