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Hyejung's eyes snapped open and she abruptly sat up from her bed. She was drenched with sweat and tears rolling down her face. "What happened? Is it a dream?" Her chest was heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath; it felt as if someone was choking her in her sleep.

Slowly Hyejung brought her hands to her head and looked around. Hyejung noticed that she was still in her room at her parents house but she could see the changes in her room. It was not her room back when she was 20 but—

"Am I back?" Hyejung wiped the tears on her face and jumped out of her bed. She went towards the mirror. Hyejung touched her face and long hair. "I'm—" She felt unbelievable that she was now in her current 32 years old body. "I'm back. I'm not dreaming, am I?" Hyejung pinched her cheek and yelped.

"It's real."

Hyejung opened the door and looked around her house; it was empty. "Where did mom go?" She glanced at the clock and it was already 7 o'clock in the evening. "How long did I sleep? Was it all just a dream?" She was confused.

As if she just remembered something, Hyejung went inside her room again and grabbed her jacket and purse. Yunho! I need to check if he's doing right!

"Please tell me everything was just a dream," she mumbled as she dashed towards the bus stop.

Hyejung didn't know if she's the only one who's travelling back to the future or maybe it was just her long dream; she cared less if they're a divorced couple now. All she wanted to make sure was that Yunho is there, safe and sound. He must or else her life would be meaningless.

If it's indeed true, what's the point of them travelling back to their youth if only one of them who's able to return to their old self.

Hyejung was anxious as she waited for the bus. She couldn't wait anymore so she hailed an incoming taxi and quickly climbed in when the driver stopped in front of her.

"Can you please drive a bit faster? I'm in a hurry." she asked.

"I'm sorry but there's a bit of traffic congestion at the moment. I will try my best to find the fastest route," said the driver.

"Thank you." Hyejung smiled at the driver. Her heart was beating faster as she was growing anxious and impatient at the slow traffic. Hyejung prayed that as soon as she reached his house, he would be there, smiling at her.

You must live, Yunho! You can't leave me yet!

After about half an hour, hyejung finally reached the front of Yunho's house. She paid for the fee and jumped out of the taxi.

Hyejung closed her eyes and took a deep breath, silently hoping that her prayer was heard. Slowly, she pressed the doorbell and waited for the occupant of the house to open the door. She could hear the sound of feet climbing down the stairs before someone opened the door to greet her.

To Hyejung's dismay, it was an unknown middle aged woman who greeted her. "How can I help you?" she asked.

Hyejung opened and closed her mouth as she was too shocked. Where's my family in-law? Is she their relative?

"Isn't this....Jeong's household?" she asked politely.

"Jeong?" The woman tilted her head as the name didn't ring a bell. "I don't think I've heard that family name before. Maybe they're the previous owners of this house. I'm quite not sure myself since my husband was the one that bought this house."

"I see." Hyejung clamped her lips to try and suppress her disappointment. Maybe they moved to a different house but where? I don't seem to have any memories after that night. Her memories of when she travelled back seemed to be limited only until that night; as if she lives as the 20 years old Hyejung but a different Hyejung.

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