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A month later Miguel, Eli, Demetri, and Freya got a lot closer

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A month later Miguel, Eli, Demetri, and Freya got a lot closer. They always hang out after school well some times because Miguel had Karate.

Daniel got Freya a car so each morning she picked Eli, Miguel, and Demetri to take them to school every morning and after school too.

They figured out that Eli was a Hufflepuff which made Freya extremely happy that they were in the same house.

after school they hang out for a few hours then she took them to their houses, not Miguel though she took him to the dojo.

today was different

they sat in the cafeteria then a teacher walked in and said.

"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face." She paused for a second. No one was paying attention which made Freya roll her eyes.

"I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity"

Oh, shit Freya thought when she saw almost everyone in the cafeteria turn their heads to look at Eli.

He started covering his lips and looked down. She turns her head to look at Demetri who was looking down as well.

The counselor continued "but today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students"

Miguel turn towards Eli and said, "if you're sick of getting bullied, my karate dojos looking for recruits-"

Freya interrupted Miguel saying "or I can teach you. I can do karate in my sleep. Daniel started teaching me karate when I was six don't ask why"

He smiled at Freya and Miguel but Demetri opened his mouth "yeah, right. You hear that Eli? A little karate training, and you're gonna kick some major ass" he did some 'karate' movements.

Miguel and Freya rolled their eyes.

"I'm serious, Demetri. My sensei's the real deal. I'm sure I could get you both discounts" Miguel says.

"As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face," Demetri says.

Freya rolled her eyes "talk for yourself, mouth. Eli, I'm serious I can teach you some karate or you can go to Miguel's dojo"

Eli nodded and smiled. Freya got lost in thought while the counselor talked about the Halloween dance that was tonight.

she already had her costume ready, yes she was going as Repunzel. Repunzel was her mother's favorite princess. Freya had been acting weird but it was because her parent's death anniversary was the day after Halloween which was on her birthday.

all the three boys noticed she was a bit distant, she didn't joke around with Demetri or made jokes.

after school, they didn't hang out she took Miguel to his karate class then took Demetri to his house so they were left alone.

"Freya, can I ask you something?" Eli asked quietly looking at her.

"sure thing," she said keeping her eyes on the road but she still felt elis eyes on her.

"are you alright? you have been kind of distant... you don't have to tell me but I'm here for you" he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

Freya sighed "Tomorrow my parent's death anniversary and my birthday. I never make a big deal about my birthday or celebrate it... it's just too much. I'm sorry you guys mean so much to me like you guys have made me laugh more than Daniels mother arguing with his wife...terrible joke but yeah especially you Eli"

Eli's eyes were so wide they could fall off his head. Freya noticed what she said and mentally slapped herself. I mean she wasn't lying she got feelings for Eli so fast. he could fart and that made her heart just melt.

"you are special to me too Freya"

Freya's heart stooped beating for a second.

her breath hitched which made Eli smirk a little.

she stopped the car in front of Eli's house "bye I will see you at the dance" with that Eli ran out of the car to his house leaving Freya in complete shock.

what the fuck just happened

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now