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"Come on Demetri just pick one"

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"Come on Demetri just pick one"

He groaned "I don't know Freya! You are the one wearing it! Not me"

"You are no help" she groaned. Demetri scoffed then rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you call Sam maybe she will help"

"Okay, you know what whatever I'm picking this one" she grabbed her white bikini with black dots.

"Let me change for us to leave"

Demetri nodded "finally" he whispered while she closed the bathroom door.

"Heard that!"


"Come on Demetri just do it!" Freya said frustrated.

They were now at the beach. When Freya arrived at the beach she noticed Hawk was already there. When he saw her he couldn't get his eyes off of her.

He cut off everything with Moon but they stayed as friends. He didn't know why he kissed moon. He wanted to feel different, he thought kissing her would make a difference but he was wrong.

He lost what he loved the most. He hated himself for that. He just wanted to go back in time and change what he did. He missed her so much.

"Demetri if you don't do it right now I swear I have no problem in committing Demetri-cide" Freya groaned.

Hawk snorted but masked it when Freya turns to look at him. Demetri threw the ball but didn't even go past the volleyball net.

"Oh god," she sighed.

"I think I might change teams. Yes, I don't care. MIGUEL GET YOUR ASS IN HERE" she yelled.

Hawk looked at her with a smirk. It was the first time he saw her like this.

Miguel ran to them "what's up?"

"Congrats you have been accepted to be in Demetri's team! I'm changing teams with the pigeon"

She walked to the other side. Demetri threw it again and it didn't go through. Freya sighed.

"Mulligan, send it back"

"There are no mulligans in volleyball," hawk said.

"Says you" Demetri scoffed and walked away saying "water break"

"Another one?" Freya asked frustrated.

"Ugh what is wrong with me? I have no patience today" she groaned as she sat down on the sand.

"Are you okay?"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now