𖦹57- Let's Begin pt. 2 𖦹 (re-written )

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"let's begin!"


Freya smiled but then Demetri turned to her "begin what exactly?"

she shrugged and Demetri raised his hand "uh, begin what exactly?"

johnny turned to look at daniel for him to answer the question.

daniel sighed "begin a new era. many of us used to be enemies but rivalries don't need to last forever. the all valley tournament is just a few months away, and this year, the stakes are higher than they've ever been"

"We know that cobra kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book. there's only one way we're gonna be able to beat-"

"by kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves" johnny cut him off.

Freya snorted and everyone turned to look at her "what? it was funny, jeez"

johnny playfully rolled his eyes "ms .rose we have no time for jokes right now. we gotta take things to the next level. gonna teach you an aggression stronger than anything cobra kai can throw at us. they strike first? we'll pre-strike!"

"Okay, we're getting ahead of ourselves. we are going to respond to what they do" Daniel said.

"eagles do not respond. they swoop down and take whatever they want. that's what we're gonna do. take back the valley"

"take it back in a measured and organized approach"

"we bite first!" Johnny yelled.

Freya cringed "oh my god someone please just stop them. how's this gonna work?" she whispered to herself but Eli heard. he leaned closer "I have no idea but hopefully it will. we have to win"

Freya nodded "I know but they argue like an old married couple"

"Okay, let's just warm up with some simple exercises"

johnny nodded "alright line up!"

everyone tried to line up but Freya stayed in her place and raised her hand "um yeah this is not going to work"

"Freya stop being annoying and line up"

she rolled her eyes but didn't move "I'm good I can do it here"

"fine do whatever you want-" johnny got cut off by daniel "and just breathe and follow me"

the Miyagi-dos started then johnny interrupted "fighting positions! right leg back. Front kick ready. Hi-yah!"

Then mitch kicked the person in front of him down "shit, dude. I'm sorry"

Freya snorted "see! I told you!"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now