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"wait wait wait wait wait he was throwing popcorn at people?"

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"wait wait wait wait wait he was throwing popcorn at people?"

it was now Monday and Freya was telling Enzo about what happened on Sunday. she was still so annoyed by that. she didn't want to be a buzz kill but she hated what he did. she thought it was childish.

"yes! I was about to kick his sorry-ass! I swear to god I hate when people talk during movies and especially when they throw popcorn at people-"

"you seem pretty mad- please remind me never to get in your bad side"

"mad I'm not mad- well I am but ugh he has been texting me and I have been ignoring his ass-"

Freya stopped when she saw her locker and opened it to get a few books.

"oh no," Enzo whispered. Freya turned to look at him. "what? you look like you've seen a ghost"

"not a ghost but a person you extremely dislike right now "

Freya's sighed and rolled her eyes. "oh god" he felt someone behind her.

"he's right behind me huh?"

Enzo nodded "well I will leave you too alone I don't want to get blood on my new t-shirt-sorry Freya bye"

"Seriously?" she said before sighing and turning around to face hawk. his pretty light blue eyes looking at hers. "hey babe how are you!" she said with a fake smile.

"I want to apologize"

"oh really?!"

"look I understand that you are mad at me for what I did at the cinema- I'm really really sorry I just can't deal with you avoiding me. i-i miss you Freya"

Freya sighed and looked into his eyes all she could see is sadness. he really was sad. "that was so childish Eli and you know I hate when people do that shit but no you still did it"

"I know and I'm sorry please forgive me? I can't stand you avoiding me I miss you so fucking much"

Freya smiled "okay then you are forgiven, I can't stand avoiding you either" with that hawk leaned in and smashed his lips against hers. she was shocked at first but kissed back a second later closing her eyes.

she put her hands around his neck pulling him closer to her while eli put his hands around her waist closing the space left between them. their lips moved in sync, they fit perfectly together.

"thank god i left"

freya pulled away and smiled trying not to laugh as for hawk he was mad they got interrupted by the guy who he hated the most. yes, hawk hated Enzo with such passion. since freya started hanging with enzo he couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous.

Freya turned around to see Enzo and Demetri. "oh hey demetri and really enzo?"

"for real freya are you bipolar or something? literally minutes ago you were so mad that you could kick his sorry ass-"

freya rolled her eyes "yeah but we are good now, okay anyway i have film class with my hot boyfriend so i will see yall at lunch"


an uneventful week flew by it was Friday. hawk and freyas relationship was going great but not so great for sam and miguel.

here they were: Miguel, demetri, aisha, hawk, bert and freya at the park comforting Miguel because of sam.

demetri was sitting next to Miguel, freya was sitting in between Miguel and aisha while hawk was fighting bert.

"come on, eat something. ill make you feel better." demetri suggested.

"i told you, I'm not hungry man" Miguel said looking down sadly.

freya sighed "Miguel shes probably grounded i heard yelling in the morning trust me"

"i still think you're overreacting-" demetri started but Miguel cut him off "I'm not overreacting dude. i know what i saw"

"what did you see, you didn't tell me-"

freya got cut off by hawk "all right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode" than he kicked bert in the face making him fall to the floor.

"its probably her brother or something" hawk walked closer to them and rapped his arm around freyas neck. she looked up to see him and hawk kissed her nose.

"no, dude- brothers don't look at their sisters like that-"

"depends what part of the country you're in" demetri said.

"wait how was he like?" freya asked turning her attention to miguel. "he was around our age- he had like light brown hair- i-i don't know it was dark outside and i was far away"

"oh i know who you are talking about! its robby, trust me its nothing"

"you know him?" Miguel asked confused. freya smiled and nodded "yes daniel started training him a couple of weeks ago- he's cool" freya said.

"look, i just don't want what happened to sensei to happened to me" Miguel said.

"all right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass, so he doesn't have the chance" hawk suggested but freya shook her head no "no no no no no shut up hawk. trust me there's nothing there. I'm there when he's there and nothing happens. you don't have to get violent" freya moved hawks arms clearly showing that she was mad at him but hawk put them back.

"freyas right. don't listen to eli-" "its 'hawk'."

freya rolled her eyes "come on hawk stop"

"yeah, whatever- the fact is, sams given you no reason not to trust her" demetri said. freya smiled at him and nodded clapping her hands "thank fuck, thank you demetri finally someone who says something true"

"yeah, i guess you're right" Miguel finally agreed.

before freya could say something aisha gasped "what is it?"

"that little bitch" aisha said. "what?" Miguel asked confused.

"you know that video i posted of me breaking that board?" aisha asked and all of them nodded.

"look what Yasmine commented" she said showing them her phone.

"ugh shes pathetic. i never liked her when she was friends with sam." freya said rolling her eyes.

"oh shit" Miguel whispered.

"i gotta do something" aisha said.

"how about we kidnap her and have my boy rico tattoo bitch on her face?" hawk suggested. "oh hell to the no"

"calm down, hawk" demetri said with a mocking tone. "all right, i hear how you're saying it, and i don't like it" hawk said sending a dead glare at him.

"calm down eli. no we are not doing that" freya said cutting the tension.

"wait, wait, wait. I've got a better idea. look" aisha said showing them her phone again.

"yasmines throwing a birthday party at the Canyon later?" Miguel asked confused.

"not if we strike first" aisha said with a smirk on her face. "oh fuck yes I'm in! lets go" freya said standing up.

"but wait I'm going home to put something else on and I'm going to pick enzo up" freya said and they all nodded but hawk.

hawk walked closer to her and kissed her "see you at the party princess"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now