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After a long summer of Useless drama and Freya hanging out with the twins, Enzo and Demetri

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After a long summer of Useless drama and Freya hanging out with the twins, Enzo and Demetri. It was Monday.

Freya had to wake up early because she had to pick up the twins and Enzo.

Let just say not everyone had a fun weekend. Sam got grounded and Daniel kicked Robby out. She didn't ask why it wasn't her business.

Freya messaged the twins yesterday that she couldn't hang out after school. She had a job interview. She needed to look for a job she wasn't going to live from the LaRusso's money all her life.

"Hey, beautiful" jay said as he hopped in the car.

She smiled at him "good morning guys what's up?"

"Nothing much," Jules said getting all her stuff in the car.

"I'm so happy you guys got into the same school as mine! Now we will get to hang out more- a little advice, avoid karate drama"

The twins chuckled "yeah that going to be no problem I don't even like karate, sorry not sorry"

After picking up Enzo and Demetri they finally arrived at school.

"Back to hell again," Jules said.

Jay and Enzo nodded while Freya and Demetri gasped "come on school is fun- sometimes"

They walked towards the door when Freya spotted Miguel leaning against a pole.

"Hey, I will be right there with you guys I gotta talk to someone," Freya said before running towards Miguel.

"Miguel! Hey- why the long face?"

Before he could say something Aisha joined "still nothing from Tory?"

"No, what about you?"

"She won't text me back. I'm getting kind of worried" Aisha said.

"I couldn't even find her after the party- think she got in trouble with the cops?"

"I don't know but missing the first day of school is not a good sign"

"Wait, What happened?" Freya asked confused.

"Yesterday at the party after the cops showed up I couldn't find Tory and she is not answering any of our messages"

"Oh- maybe she's sick or something"

"I don't know now come on let's go in," Aisha said to both of them.

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now