☾21- Greatest Star☽

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NEW CHARACTER ALERT! Jules Carson played by Danielle Campbell! (Jules is inspired by a friend of mine juulsbertrand y'all should go read her book Binary Boyfriends! its so good)

NEW CHARACTER ALERT! Jules Carson played by Danielle Campbell! (Jules is inspired by a friend of mine juulsbertrand  y'all should go read her book Binary Boyfriends! its so good)

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"No no no no this is a bad idea-"

"This is a great idea!" Johnny said.

"Johnny interrupting daniel is a bad idea, you guys are good now kind of and you are like-"

Johnny shushed her "trust me he will be glad we saved his stupid yoga performance"

She rolled her eyes "Oh god this is not gonna end well" she said in a low voice.

"Are the rest there yet?"

"Yeah most of them- the rest are on their way"

"Oh god this is not good"


Freya saw Demetri and walked up to him. Demetri looked at her surprised "hey I thought you were staying home resting for your audition tomorrow"

Freya shook her head "no couldn't do that because dumb one and dumb two decided to crash the party" she said in an annoying tone.

Demetri and Freya were standing with the crowd of people then all the lights turned off.

"Wait why didn't I get included in this performance," she asked herself. Demetri shrugged.

"Did I say that at loud?"

Demetri nodded and snorted "yes you did"

"I'm sorry I'm just really nervous right now- this thing and my audition tomorrow it's just too much..."

"It's okay, you should go home. I'll tell you how it goes, okay?" Demetri said smiling at her.

"If hell breaks loose I promise to call you"

Freya snorts "I don't know Demetri- should I go?"

He shrugged "if you want to- wait did you tell Eli about your audition?"

Freya shook her head "no I'm not telling him- maybe later. Oh shit"


"My car is at Miguel's" she groaned.

"I can drive you if you want"

Freya turned around to see moon "oh hey moon and are you sure? I don't want to bother"

"No no no that's okay! Come on let's go" moon smiled and started walking towards her car Freya following behind. they got to her car and moon started driving.

"So Freya did you talk to hawk?"

Freya nodded and smiled "yes I did. I forgave him but we aren't together- yet"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now