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"heyyy Rosieee!"

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"heyyy Rosieee!"

"heyyyy diazzzz," Freya said giving him a small smile which he noticed.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong?" he said standing in front of her for her to stop walking.

she sighed "Well I didn't have a good weekend- I mean it wasn't bad but I finally talked to daniel and Amanda they actually looked really happy and relieved to see me- anyway we talked about my aunt but wanna know the weird thing?"

Miguel shocked nodded "yeah- I mean if you want to tell me"

"They never said her name. I mean I was trying to catch her name but they never said it"

"did you ask them for her name?" he asked.

"yeah and they just told me that she was coming in December- i-i don't know if I'm ready to meet her Miguel- I don't know- anyway it wasn't really their fault so I forgave them and I'm back at the LaRussos household. I kinda miss Eli's company-" she stopped when Miguel started smirking.

"oh, his company huh? only that? are you sure?" he teased.

Freya rolled her eyes and before she continued walking to her next class she said "shut it, Diaz"


she couldn't help but smile a little because Miguel was right but she did miss everything about him. she was excited because Eli was in that class too.

she walked in and spotted him, she smiled and sat next to him "hey Eli"

he turns to look at her up and down and gave her a disgusted look but didn't say anything and turned back around.

Freya looked at him confused "Eli? did I do something wrong?"

he just groaned, got up, and sat next to a cobra leaving Freya heartbroken thinking about what Demetri said.

you cant change someone whos been brainwashed by 'creepy the gramps'


hours flew by and it was finally lunch. she walked to the cafeteria and spotted her friends.

"Hey guys," she said sitting down. she noticed everyone looking at her "what?"

"what's wrong?" Miguel asked.

"nothing? you guys are creeping me out stop looking at me"

"We know something happens- you have this look on your face like-" Jules said and the others nodded agreeing.

Freya sighed "I'm just tired of all the drama- I miss jay and Enzo sitting with us but no they wanted to be 'spies' i just want everything to go back to normal- I mean ugh I just want to crawl into my bed and cry. I hate Cobra Kai so fucking much" she said her voice breaking a bit.

"I agree with you Freya but something tells me things will change for good. hopefully, I'm right- I can't promise it will but hopefully" Demetri said smiling at his best friend.

Freya nodded and gave him a small smile "yeah let's hope you're right dem"

"anyway are you guys coming to the dance?" Jules asked.

"wait, what dance?" Freya asked confused.

"homecoming. because of what happened they moved the dance to this Friday" she said.

"holy shit I didn't know ugh I don't even have a dress or date! I hate this- do we have to go?"

Jules nodded her head "of course we are coming! we are going dress shopping so get ready"

Freya groaned and shook her head "no! dress shopping? no, no way-"

"yes, way! come on frey do it for me! and you! come on! it's homecoming. what's the worst that-" she got cut off by Freya "don't even think of finishing that sentence- when people say that shit bad things happen and sure okay let's go dress shopping"

"Freya! Hey! Stop walking oh god"

She stopped walking and turn to look at her best friend "Enzo I thought we couldn't talk in public? It will ruin your spy plan"

"No, if it's because my mom sent me. She's hosting homecoming and she wants you to sing any song but it had to be slow"

Freya's jaw fell and her eyes widened "what?!"

"Yeah I know you don't have much time but any song you like know that you can sing will be perfect," he said.

"Am I the only one singing?" She asked still shocked. He shook his head "no you're not. I'm singing with Jules my date obviously and I think Jay is singing"

She sighed "fine. A slow song?"

He smiled and nodded "yes please and I miss you frey"

She smiled sadly and nodded "I miss you too Enzo"


"how about this one?"

it was now Wednesday which meant Freya and Jules were dress shopping.

"Holy shit I love it! You look gorgeous!" Freya said standing up and jumping up and down like a little kid. Jules chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, you're right! I do look hot"

Freya chuckled "of course you do!"

"Now let me change cuz it's your turn!" Jules said and before Freya could say something she ran back to the dresser.

A minute later she came out in her normal clothes and said "go in there!"

She sighed but stood up walking towards the dresser "fine"

"So how're things with hawk?"

"Not that great- when I was living in his house he was really nice and sweet. He wasn't an asshole- we had or have this chemistry and yeah Miguel might be right" Freya said as she tried on a dress and got out for Jules to see it.

"Uhmm I don't know...try another one"

Freya nodded and got back to the dressing room to try another dress.

"So you still like him?" Jules asked with a huge grin on her face.

"Unfortunately yes"

"Awe frey trust me he will eventually come over to the good side. He has to"

"Hopefully that will happen-" she said as she got out and showed her the dress.

"Wait oh my god- Frey- you look beautiful! I love that dress!"

"I know right it's beautiful. Should I get another one for my performance?" Freya asked.

"Dude you are singing in a school dress not singing in the Grammys"

"Dua Lipa had like 5 outfits!"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now