☀︎︎39-Golden Duo☀︎︎

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"Johnny wait up"

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"Johnny wait up"

He stopped and turned around "hey Freya glad you're here early"

"Well we both care about Miguel and I want to help him"

He nodded "Let's go, Speed Racer! I'm gonna work those gimpy legs like a-"

He opened the door and both walked in.

"Rented mule"

Freya snorted but then realized they weren't alone.

"Sorry. I thought you said 10:00 that you'd be alone"

"I'm sorry, my mom gets free physical therapy from work and this was the only time Brayden was available," Miguel said which Freya nodded and smiled at him.

"It's okay Miguel"

"Mahalo," the guy said.

Freya sighed and walked to Carmen greeting her with a hug.

"Be done soon if you wanna wait"

"Of course Miggy don't worry"

Johnny sighed but nodded.

"Now, if you're feeling any pain, Hermano, let me know"

"Still no feeling whatsoever" Miguel sighed.

"No worries. Positive thoughts, remember? You're doing great" Brayden said.

"At letting you lift his legs?" Johnny asked.

Miguel chuckled.

"Johnny, Brayden is a specialist in this field. He knows what he's doing" Carmen said.

"Slow, deep breaths," he said and started to inhale along with Miguel.

"Inhale Joy and Love"

"You gotta be shitting me?" Johnny said.

"Johnny-can I talk to you for a minute?" She said walking closer to him.

Freya rolled her eyes and walked closer to Miguel. "I don't think Hawk wants to change dude- something happened"


"Well...he destroyed Dem's school project-"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now