☀︎︎48-Death Eaters☀︎︎

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"You slept with him?!"

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"You slept with him?!"

"Jeez don't scream might as well tweet it too but no I didn't sleep with him- well unless not like that. We just shared a bed"

"You guys shared a bed and he didn't do anything sus- you know I don't know karate but I'm not afraid of kicking his ass-"

Freya snorted "Jules- he didn't do anything- but when I woke up I noticed the barrier was gone and well we were spooning- like he was hugging me. Not gonna lie he looked so good"

Jules gasped "holy shit awe that's so cute but isn't he the enemy?"

Freya slowly nodded " yeah he kinda is but it's not like we're dating again- I wish I could though I miss him so much"

Jules sighed "yeah I know you do anyway you never told me why you spent the night at pigeon's house"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Remember that I told you that I had no family left whatsoever?"

Jules nodded.

"Well I found out that I have an aunt and I was a mess and I started crying- I ran away. I felt- fell still, betrayed. To be honest I can't go home yet. I asked sam to bring me some of my clothes"

"Wait you have an aunt?!" Jules asked shocked.

Freya nodded "yeah- but wanna know what's the icing on the cake?"

Jules nodded.

"I think her name is Ali. I only know one Ali. And she's Daniels and Johnny's ex"

Jules jaw dropped "wait holy shit what is she's your aunt?"

Freya shrugged "I don't know but I don't know when I'm going back to the LaRusso's house. I need time"

"Well if pigeon bothers you, you can always come to my house," Jules said smiling at her.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it"


"Pennywise The Dancing Clown! I'm here! I got your text and yes I do wanna talk to you too! I have a really good offer and- Miguel?"

After drinking Starbucks with Jules, Freya drove to Eli's house. In the morning elis mom gave her a key to the house.

"Please stop calling me that" he groans. 

she snorted and shook her head "hahahahaha you know that's funny but no cant do pigeon. you are still the enemy, if you're still with Voldemort then yes I will call you names until you leave the death eaters"

"I missed your Harry Potter jokes"

"huh, I thought you were too cool for harry potter" she teased.

he rolled his eyes "now what was your offer?"

"oh! yeah I almost forgot! the offer was going to be that if you wanted to be my karate partner you know train with me a little- you don't have to. I mean I would train by myself but it's better with someone else-"

"Woah Woah of course princess I would love too" he smirked.

she rolled her eyes "don't flatter yourself, dancing clown"

he bit his bottom lip to stop himself from smiling but then changed the subject "Hey- did you talk to Miguel?"

Freya shook her head "no I haven't 'cause I know he's gonna say that I should talk to them and I know I have to but I'm not emotionally stable to do that right now"

he sighed and nodded her head "yeah I get that but princess you do know that no one's ever emotionally stable for anything"

"yeah I know that I just need time to think" she sighed sadly.

Eli nodded "yeah and you know that I'm here if you ever need to talk to someone"

she smiled and nodded "thank you. now let's get to training I cant wait to kick your sorry ass"


a couple of hours later they finished training. 

"you know mohawk you aren't that bad but I'm better"

Eli chuckled "yeah I know that, princess. anyway, can I ask you something?"

she nodded "sure thing, clown"

he sighed and rolled his eyes "does Demetri hate me?"

"um, I can't answer that Eli. but I don't think so- I mean um...he's just disappointed I guess"

he looked down sadly and nodded "yeah I don't blame him"

"Eli i-"

"no, he has every right to hate me. I broke his arm- and he's my best friend well- not anymore"

Freya sighed "it depends Eli. if you leave cobra kai and you change he would probably forgive you...but it will take time..."

"believe me I know. I miss him and I miss you. but I can't leave cobra kai- I want to but I can't- I don't know how"

"well go to Voldemort and tell him that you leave his weird-ass dojo"

"it's not that easy- i-i don't want people to think I got soft or weak-"

Freya rolled his eyes "just because you want to leave weirdo's dojo doesn't mean you're weak or soft. Eli, you're the strongest person I know. you kept up with Kyler and his minions for years. trust me you're not weak, and soft? really we are all soft. look at snape- or Draco! they were supposed to be the bad guys but they're not. they're softer than a baby's ass"

Eli didn't say anything. 

"another example I'm a softie but I can be a bitch when I want to or have to"

Eli chuckled "that's because you're a badass"

she smirked "of course I am"

"did you forgive me?" he asked.

"well, clown. you haven't apologized but I don't know Eli- you're still on the dark side...I appreciate you letting me crash in your house but you have done a lot of fucked up shit"

he sighed sadly and nodded "I understand, Freya. it's okay-" he got cut off by the doorbell.

they both walked to the door and he opened it revealing Miguel and Demetri.



Freya's eyes widened for a second "wait-wait okay guys I'm not sleeping with anyone I'm just crashing here because his mom offered me to stay, okay? and I haven't answered because I don't want to talk about what happened"

Miguel sighed "rose you don't have to tell me but you're my best friend. that means no secrets. I was so worried"

"WE were so worried" he corrected him.

"look I'm sorry guys okay? I'm sorry for not letting you guys know that I'm emotionally unstable"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now