𖦹63- The Perfect J.D𖦹

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"Yesterday was amazing! We went to Six flags! It was just awesome and really cute"

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"Yesterday was amazing! We went to Six flags! It was just awesome and really cute"

It was Monday and Freya and Enzo were already putting up posters for Heather's auditions which were going to be on Tuesday.

Enzo laughed "did you guys fuck?"

Freya rolled her eyes "no but we almost did. I don't think we are both ready for that. Every time we try someone interrupts us- and no it wasn't his mom. I think is the world telling us is not a good time for that"

Enzo snorted "no I think you guys need another place that is not each other's house"

"Maybe you're right. I don't know"

"Wait I have a question you have so much shit you have to do and now they play? How the hell do you plan on doing everything?" Enzo asked.

Freya stopped and taped a poster on a classroom door. She sighed "I think I'm going to quit being in karate. I love it but if they keep fighting or split up I will quit"

"But the all valley is coming up?"

She nodded "yeah and if they separate us again with me being there or not we might not have a chance so I will take my chances"

Enzo slowly nodded understanding "I'm so excited for tomorrow's auditions. I'm gonna feel like Mr. Shue"

"Ew...anyway...I'm so excited too! It's gonna be so fun I swear to god. Good thing that I already have my role"

Enzo laughed "yeah!

"Are you going to be in the play?"

He shook his head "no you will need help backstage but if in the end, we have a role left I would gladly take it"

"Of course, you will"


After school, she went to her musical theater class and then head to karate training "HEY BITCHES!"

"Hey, Rosie. Where have you been?"

"All over the place with the musical now I'm busier and trust me it's not like I'm dying to catch alive fish"

Miguel laughed and hawk walked over to her and hugged her "I missed you"

"Missed you more"

"Well Miguel here fell to the pond"

Freya snorted and shook her head "see I can't believe I missed that. anyway, I'm here to pick daniel up, is the inside?"

all of them nodded. she smiled and kissed her boyfriend goodbye "I will see you later, E"

"see you later babe"

she walked inside "hey daniel. I'm here"

he turned around and smiled "yep I'm almost done here...how was your day?"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now