☾22-Back Together☽

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After auditions, all of them drove to a nearby restaurant to celebrate Freya's victory

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After auditions, all of them drove to a nearby restaurant to celebrate Freya's victory.

"You really have a beautiful voice" Eli who was sitting next to her said. She blushed and looked down "thank you"

"I was so nervous- I didn't even notice you guys were there!" She laughed.

"I invited them I hope you don't mind," Miguel said smiling at her.

Freya shook her head no "no no I really appreciate that you guys did come"

Everyone smiled and nodded their heads.

"Anyway, I'm gonna get going because it's late," Miguel said standing up.

"Yeah-yeah me too see you guys" Demetri out of nowhere said.

"Yeah me too I'm getting a ride with Miguel anyway"

Now it was just Hawk and Freya.

"They did it on purpose, right?"

Hawk chuckled "yeah I'm pretty sure they did"

Freya laughed "they think they're so clever huh"

Hawk nodded and laughed with her.

The laughter died down and there was a comfortable silence.

"Want to get out of here? We can go to my house if you want- I mean it would be great because I got you a gift a-and-"

"Yeah let's go"


Once they arrived at hawks house Freya greeted her mom and she was so excited to see Freya again. Eli ran to his room took a quick shower while Freya and his mom were talking.

Eli 5 minutes later came back and took Freya to his room.

"You still have your Star Wars posters up"

"Yeah I couldn't get rid of them," he said avoiding her gaze.

Freya snorted "so Eli is still there somewhere"

Hawk nodded "only for you" he flirted.

"Well good to know because I miss nerdy best friend and boyfriend," she said as she turned her body her back facing him.

He walked closer to her once he was right behind her he put his hands on her waist. She could feel his breathing on her neck.

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now