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Eli told Freya to pack a bag with three outfits because they will be gone for the whole weekend

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Eli told Freya to pack a bag with three outfits because they will be gone for the whole weekend. Daniel has met Eli a couple of times so he agreed to let her go but what she didn't know is that Eli talked to Daniel and told him his plan and he agreed with him.

Freya packed her bag, got to her car, and drove to Eli's house.

In a matter of a few minutes, she arrived and saw Eli outside of his house. "Good morning E! So are you going to tell me where are we going?"

He shook his head "not yet but we got a plane to catch I already called an Uber"

Freya's jaw dropped "a plane?"

"Yes. A plane. Don't freak out Mr. LaRusso already knows the plan" he said with a grin on his face.

"Daniel knows about this? How?"

"I talked to him"

Before Freya could say something the Uber arrived "come on Princess" he said and got in the car.

Freya blushed and followed him.

30 minutes later they arrived at the airport and Eli got their tickets.

Freya was waiting for him at a Starbucks "okay don't freak out okay? Let me explain."

Freya nodded slowly and he continued "We are going to Orlando, FLORIDA for your birthday"

Freya's jaw dropped "excuse me"

"Please don't be mad I told Daniel about it and he agreed with me. I know you missed your parents and I know that I didn't get to know them sadly but I don't think they would be happy if they knew you weren't happy on your birthday"

Freya looked at him in awe and tried not to laugh at him for being so nervous.

"Eli calm down," she said as she put both of her hands on his shoulders. "I'm not mad Eli. I'm actually overwhelmed. no one ever tried to do this for me. thank you. anyway, why Orlando?"

he grinned at her "well Freya let me tell you that the best place in the world happens to be in Orlando"

Freya stood there confused for a second then it hit her "holy shit. are we going to the wizarding world of harry, potter?!"

Freya couldn't contain her excitement. she always wanted to go to the wizarding world of harry potter in Orlando but she never had the chance to.

she jumped towards Eli and attacked him in a hug. "thank you thank you thank you oh my god I could kiss you right now" she didn't even notice she said that at loud.

Eli turned as red as a tomato. Freya realized what she said she turned as red as him.

before she could answer she was interrupted by the lady calling their plane number which made both of them forget about what happened and ran towards the gate.

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now