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Freya went home and changed into a more cute outfit for the party, she had never been to a party before so she was quite nervous, she always thought teen parties in movies looked weird

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Freya went home and changed into a more cute outfit for the party, she had never been to a party before so she was quite nervous, she always thought teen parties in movies looked weird. people kissing, making out, sweaty bodies dancing...honestly when she thought about it, it scared her.

"Freya when you stop daydreaming can we go? we are already late"

Freya blinked a few times and looked at his best friend annoyed "excuse me? you are the one who took forever to get ready"

"okay okay whatever let's just go"

she rolled her eyes playfully, got up from his bed, and followed him out.

"Why do you look nervous? don't tell me you have never been to a high school party"

"um I wish I could- you do realize I have been homeschooled my whole life"

Enzo nodded "I forgot- well don't be nervous. you look great! I love your outfit"

Freya smiled "thank you! yeah, I love it too- you look great too by the way" Enzo smiled and both got into the car.

"so what the deal with hawk or Eli- whatever his name is," Enzo asked. Freya sighed "his name is Eli but he likes hawk better it's like his nickname- we are dating, I'm really happy with him even though sometimes he makes me mad" Freya laughed.

Enzo nodded slowly "yeah you guys look cute! you love him huh?"

Freya smiled and nodded "yeah I do"


Freya and Enzo got out of the car to see a lot of people "wow it's almost full" Freya said surprised.

"yeah I didn't know they knew that many people," Enzo said and Freya nodded.

"come on help me look for the others"

Enzo and Freya walked around until she spotted Miguel "come on I see Miguel" Enzo nodded and followed her.

"Miguel- oh my god are you drunk?" Freya asked. Miguel shook his head no "no-n-no I'm not drunk-"

"oh god- Miguel please sit down and drink water okay? Enzo can you help me look for water" he nodded and started looking in the coolers.

"Miguel, why did you drink?"

"s-sams- not answering," he said. Freya sighed "Miguel that's just stupid-ugh it doesn't matter just-" Freya said but got cut off by Enzo "here I found one"

"thank you- drink this" Freya said and gave the water bottle to him.

"thank you Enzo- you've got to be shitting me," Freya said as she spotted the boy she loved kissing another girl, and not just some other girl- no the girl who made her insecure.

"what?" Enzo asked but Freya ignored him and walked past him. Enzo turned around confused, saw what was happening, and followed Freya.

"isn't this a nice surprise?!" she exclaimed with a fake smile. hawk pulled away and got up "Freya- it's not what it looks like-"

"Please save the drama for the soap operas- I trusted you! you said you were never going to hurt me! you broke your promise! but guess what I'm going to break your other promise because guess what? I dump your ass" with that Freya turned around leaving everyone in shock.

Enzo looked at hawk angry "you are so stupid! why did you do it!"

hawk didn't know how to answer he is speechless and felt like the dumbest person on this planet.

Enzo groaned and followed Freya "Freya stop!"

Freya shook her head "no I'm leaving"

"yeah I'm coming with you" Freya stopped and waited for him.

when he got to where Freya was she continued walking Enzo following.

"can you just stop for a second-"

"can't do it I need to go," Freya said trying to not sound sad. she got into her car unlocking it with her keys.

she sat there for a second then she started breathing heavily. Enzo got in "Freya try to calm down! breathe in and then out-"

"I cant! I feel like my heart will jump out of my chest-" she yelled. Enzo sighed "look Freya you need to calm down. you are hurting. your heart is broken. you just saw your boy- ex-boyfriend kiss someone else and you broke up with him of course you are heartbroken it hurts! but I know you are strong and you will get through it!"

with that Freya broke down tears falling on her cheeks. Enzo sighed sadly at the sight of his heartbroken best friend crying in front of him. he moved closer and hugged Freya.

"Everything will be okay, trust me, I don't know karate but I'm gonna kick his ass either way" Enzo whispered that made Freya snort.

"Even though you can kick his ass better than I so-"

She laughed and nodded "yeah you are right but I won't do that. I'm not a violent person but one thing I promise myself is that if someone cheats on my I would make their life a living hell"

Enzo pulled away "well that's perfect- but right now we are going to target to buy ice cream, chips, and two diet cokes because we are watching Harry Potter"

She wiped her tears and looked at him confused "but you highly dislike Harry Potter"

He nodded "yes I do but I've never watched them so I guess today's the day"

She smiled and nodded happily "YAY oh my God yes! I'm so in! Thank God we aren't watching shitty rom-com!"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now