•Extra Chapter• (short)

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(In honor of the teaser we got! It obviously like I've said it can change so yeah 😁 btw comment your theories!!)

"Are you nervous?"

Freya turned around and saw Eli with his eagle fang gi. She smiled "kind of but hopefully, no one gets hurt"

Eli walked closer and hugged her "you look cute when you're nervous"

Freya rolled her eyes "so cheesy I quite like it. It's like my guilty pleasure"

Eli let her go and rolled his eyes "babe come on-"

He got cut off by Daniel "guys come on we will have a meeting we will decide which gi we're gonna use"

"Coming Mr. L"

Daniel nodded and walked away.

"It's weird you and Demetri sound the same" Freya joked.

Eli rolled his eyes grabbed freyas hand and pulled her inside "come on you little joker"

He pecked her cheeks making her blush a little.

"Come on guys no PDA here" Johnny joked.

"Reya! Why did you leave me on seen?"

She gave him a guilty smile "I'm so sorry, dem. I swear to god I forgot! It won't happen again"

Demetri chuckled sarcastically "yeah funny you said that last time"

"I blame Eli. He distracts me"

Eli scoffed "hell no because you do the same with me and I'm your boyfriend! I literally have to call you to know you're alive"

"That was one time. Don't be on his side"

"It literally happened twice"

"Okay okay, I get it. I'm sorry, I'm just lazy and forget to answer to people. It's not like I'm busy I literally do nothing all day but watch shows or movies" Freya explained.

Demetri burst out laughing Eli following his actions leaving Freya confused.

"It was a joke Freya you never left me on read! HAHAHAHA you should've seen your face" Demetri said between laughs.

"Oh my god, you assholes!" Freya rolled her eyes and walked towards Sam.

"What happened?"

"Dumb one and dumb two sorta pranked me," she said.

"Oh yeah, that's why they're laughing they look possessed. You're mad now but you know deep down you love them"

"Yeah, I know one's my best friend and the other I'm in love with. So hard to mad at them for long"

Sam laughed "yeah- oh I think my dad is calling us come on"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now