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"Yeah, but you can't quit" Freya heard Miguel say as she ran up to them

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"Yeah, but you can't quit" Freya heard Miguel say as she ran up to them.

"quit what exactly?" Freya asked confused.

"Cobra Kai"

"wait you joined cobra kai?" she stopped walking which made the two boys stop too.

Demetri nodded "I got yelled at, got my ass kicked, and then gave him money. you know who lives like that? hookers"

"Miguel, did he open his big ass mouth?"

Miguel nodded giving her a look which made Freya roll her eyes "well no wonder why you got your ass kicked"

"come on Demetri johnny is fun and he's stupid- come on"

"yeah, he is not that bad of a guy I promise, you just gotta give him a chance. you don't know him like Freya and I do" Miguel tried to reason with him.

Demetri scoffs and says "that- that's hooker talk"

Freya rolled her eyes and Demetri continued "Besides, I don't need to learn karate when I have Freya"

"who told you I would teach you karate?" Freya said pretending to be annoyed then laughed "of course I can teach you I don't mind but either way you are going to get your ass kicked when I teach you how to defend yourself"

"no no no I didn't mean you teaching me, look"

Miguel and Freya looked at the way Demetri was pointing to see kyle walking their way but when he spotted Freya and Miguel he turned around and walked away.

"see no one's gonna mess with you two, you two are like my personal bodyguards"

Freya sighed and roll her eyes. "by the way did Eli tell you he joined cobra kai too?"

"wait wait wait he did what?"

"Yeah, he didn't tell you?" Demetri asked.

Freya shook her head no "well I have to go guys I'm going to look for Eli bye"


"Eli, why didn't you tell me you joined cobra kai?"

Eli sighed "because I didn't want to worry you or make you upset"

"why would I be upset? I'm not. I'm actually happy learning how to defend yourself gives you confidence. trust me well that's what karate gave me"

Eli smiled at her "yeah but johnny scares me a little bit"

"Yeah he is a little scary but he is so dumb some times make me want to kick his ass"

Eli laughed. "Look but Eli he is gonna say shit like he talks shit about your look- about everyone really but please don't listen to him okay?"

Eli nodded.

"But I'm serious Eli I mean he talks shit it's like his nature. He points out your flaws- you just have to ignore him-"

Eli cut her off by leaning in and pecking her lips. he pulled away and smile at her to see her blushing. "yeah- that's a way to shut someone up"

"good luck today in cobra kai! please call me when you get home okay?"

"of course princess"


"I think I heard someone ring the doorbell daniel"

he ignored her "come on Freya focus"

Freya rolled her eyes and copied Daniel's moves.

trying to relax she closed her eyes to get more focused.

she breathed in and out.

"Hey, Robby?"

Freya opened her eyes and looked at daniel with a confused expression.

"whos Robby?" Freya asked confused but daniel didn't respond to her.

daniel turned around Freya coping Daniel's actions to see a guy.

"did- did you sense I was here?" 'Robby' asked.

Freya snorted and laughed "this guy is funny so funny- I like this guy"

"oh- no the reflection" daniel chuckles.

"oh yeah," Robby laughs.

"daniel who is this?" Freya asked.

"oh almost forgot Robby this is Freya, Freya this is Robby he works for me"

Freya nodded slowly and smiled at Robby "nice to meet you"

"Yeah, same- uh, here's the sales report you asked for," Robby said giving daniel an envelope.

"sales report"

Freya rolled her eyes and laughed she knew exactly what this was.

"Yeah, this is, um- yeah, this is good stuff. very important- you didn't share this with anyone else, did you?" daniel asked acting serious.

"no, sir. your eyes only" Robby answered confidently.

"that's good. we wouldn't want this sensitive material to fall into the wrong hands now, would we?" daniel said finally showing Robby what was inside the envelope.

"damn it Louie" Robby whispers.

Freya laughed "don't worry he does that anytime just don't fall for anything he says"

daniel gave Robby the envelope back and said "that one on you, pal. next time you outsmart the dope"

Robby chuckled "yeah"

"fool me once, right?- that karate you were doing- wheres the punching?"

Freya snorted and shook her head "because karate isn't just about that-"

"that's right- karate isn't all punching and kicking- its actually more about balance"

"that didn't even really look like karate-"

"well, blueprints don't actually look like cars, either, do they?" daniel says.

"what do you mean?" Robby asked. "that was kata. its the foundation of my karate"

"it's cool," Robby says with a smirk on his face.

"damn right it is," Freya says smiling at daniel.

"you wanna stick around? learn a few things? Freya can teach you a few things she's a pro" daniel asks.

Robby nods his head yes "sure"

"all right" daniel smiles at him.

"Freya we have a new member in our dojo"

"welcome Robby"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now