✔︎9-What The Holy Hell Is That✔︎

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"hey have you talked to Eli? he didn't talk to me all day yesterday I'm so worried- maybe he got lost or-" Freya got cut off by Miguel joining the group of three

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"hey have you talked to Eli? he didn't talk to me all day yesterday I'm so worried- maybe he got lost or-" Freya got cut off by Miguel joining the group of three.

Freya, Demetri, and Enzo got to school really early and they were hanging out near the entrance of the school.

"Hey, have you seen Eli?" Miguel asked.

"no I'm actually really worried- what if something happened to him?" Freya said her voice full of stress and worry.

"who was Eli again?" Enzo asked. Freya sighed "it's complicated-"

"no it's not yall have kissed a lot of times- are yall hookup buddy?" Demetri asked sarcastically.

Freya rolled her eyes and hit Demetri on his arm. "ouch calm down black widow"

"shut up Demetri we are not, now where the hell is he"

"oh trust me Freya he-he's-" Miguel started but got cut off by Enzo.

"who is that?" the three of them turned around to see a guy with a blue mohawk.

"what the holy hell is that," Freya asked confused.

"that's Eli," Miguel said. Freya's jaw dropped "there's no way-"

Eli walked closer to them "hey guys- what's up babe"

Freya looked at him like he was a completely different person. "babe?" she asked herself.

Freya thought for a second and said to herself maybe its a good thing and that could help him be more confident-

"Eli?" Freya asked. "Hawk"

"excuse me?" Freya asked confused. "I will now go for Hawk but you can call me Eli to whatever you want, babe"

"Eli please can we talk please?... alone?" Freya said. Eli nodded and Freya grabbed his hand and dragged him away from everyone.

"you went MIA for a day you didn't even give me signs of life then you come back like a different person which don't take it the wrong way I'm starting to love this new look and a new name which I know who named you, let me guess Johnny?"

Eli nodded "look I'm sorry Freya it's just I needed to think of what sensei said about flipping the script- I just don't want to be bullied anymore. I was a loser-"

"don't say that! that's a lie you weren't and aren't a loser, Eli or hawk" Freya sighed but then smirked, "what do you want me to call you, hawk or Eli?"

Eli smirked "well..." he started walking closer to Freya. "...you can call me your boyfriend"

Freya blushed and laughed "smooth, so is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"if you want too of course-" Eli started to get nervous but then Freya leaned in and kissed his cheek "I would love to, Hawk"


minutes later Miguel and Freya left to get their books from their lockers and since their lockers are right next to each other they went together. Miguel was telling Freya about sam.

"just go ask her!" Freya whisper-yelled at Miguel. "but what if she says no" Miguel sighed.

"do that crap Johnny told you," Freya said smiling at him. "well- oh shit no time! she is coming! I will see you later, good luck!" Freya told him before walking away.

A week went by it was Friday. The week was uneventful but Freya noticed that Eli or hawk was acting weird but she didn't know if it was good weird or bad weird. All Hawk wanted to do is hold hands and kiss...that wasn't so bad but she noticed he got mad when males were near her.

Freya at first thought it was cute that he was overprotective but then it got worse, even with Demetri he got angry? Freya didn't know what to do.

She wanted to be a supportive girlfriend but deep down she noticed he was acting a little bit like Kyler and she was scared he was going to turn into a bully.

Later today Eli and Freya were sitting next to each other in their film class "babe?"


"I think I'm changing classes..." Eli told her which she fastly turns her head to look at him "huh? what do you mean you are changing classes?" Freya asked confused.

"it's so nerdy-" hawk said but got cut off by Freya "Eli filmmaking is not nerdy what the fuck?"

"it kinda is"

"no, it's not! anyway who the fuck cares! what is that attitude coming from?" Freya asked annoyed.

"I don't want to be a nerd anymore it's not good for my image-" "excuse me? your image? since when do you care about that- who cares about image anyway?"

"me I care"

Freya groaned and stood up "where are you going?" hawk asked confused.

"to look for my boyfriend" with that she left the classroom.

she was okay with him having a makeover that was going to make him more confident not for him to leave everything he loves.

maybe he is growing up? yes maybe but if it weren't for all his posters in his room she wouldn't be so worried. She knew Eli and she was scared that the boy who she fell in love with would be gone.

"Freya? What are you doing here?"

She turned around to see who it was and to her surprise it was Miguel.

She sighed "I got in a stupid fight with Eli- hawk whatever ugh I think I overreacted"

Miguel noticed she didn't look good so he asked her if she wanted to skip with him.

"What? No, no way-"

Miguel rolled his eyes "come on Rosie let's go" he grabbed her arm and dragged her outside.

Freya groaned "you know I hate that nickname"

Miguel laughed and nodded "yes that's why I call you that silly"

Freya rolled her eyes and got in her car "you know relax maybe he just wants to fit in-"

"Freya calm down okay? Let's go"

She sighed and nodded "okay"


"Are you going out with sam today?" Freya asked before drinking from his cappuccino.

"Yes I'm taking her to the arcade," Miguel said.

Freya laughed "that's fun. Who gave you that idea? Johnny?"

"Yeah... How did you know" Miguel asked surprised.

"Well, it's not that hard to guess, to be honest... I have known Johnny enough, trust me"

Miguel nodded slowly "look I think you should talk to hawk, tell him how you're feeling..."

"What if he takes it the wrong way? I don't want him to think I don't love him- im just confused by all of this...the makeover, the new confidence- im happy he is more confident im more than happy but ugh you know what I overreacted-" freya stopped and sighed.

"I really did im so stupid! It sounds stupid"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now