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"These gym shorts pinch in all the wrong places"

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"These gym shorts pinch in all the wrong places"

Freya snorted "thank god I'm not playing"

"Come on. Have a little school spirit" Sam said.

"Oh, yeah. Go mountain lions!" He roars.

Freya chuckled. "Wow, that's the school spirit that we need" she sarcastically said.

Jules, Jay, and Enzo sat down on the bleachers where Freya was.

"I thought you guys were playing?" She asked Jay and Enzo.

"No, we aren't actually. We can't get hurt today's the day we are joining the dark side" Enzo said doing a Darth Vader expression.

"I'm still not entirely okay with what yall are doing but I can't stop you guys"

"True," Jay said.

Freya turned around to see all the cobras walking in.

"Ugh they should be banned from the school," Freya said.

"Yeah" Jules agreed.

"I wish we could do something about those cretins," Demetri said.

"Maybe you guys can," Freya said Sam nodded in agreement.

"We can"

"How? Counselor Blatt will give us detention just for breathing near them"

"He has a point"

"I don't see her anywhere, do you?"

"Oh my god, she is right! Soccer is a violent game kind of" Jules said.

"Exactly. Besides, what's a soccer game without a little physical contact? They think we're doormats. Let's prove 'em wrong"

"Yes! Oh my god now I wish I could play just to kick their sorry asses"

The game started.


In a matter of seconds, Sam had kicked a cobra to the ground but Hawk scared a goal.

Freya sighed and saw Hawk celebrating and throwing her a wink which in return she rolled her eyes and flipped him off.

He got annoyed and pushed someone knocking them to the ground.

"Take on easy on the physical contact!"

Hawk was running and Demetri caught up to him "She loved you, you know"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now