✔︎10- Love you✔︎

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after Miguel and Freya spent the rest of the school hours at Starbucks she took him to the dojo

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after Miguel and Freya spent the rest of the school hours at Starbucks she took him to the dojo. she was staying there a few hours she needed to talk to Johnny...nothing important but she wanted to laugh and she knew that Johnny made her laugh a lot.

"IF IT ISNT FREYA ROSE! what are you doing here? hopefully didn't come to annoy me" Johnny yelled then whispered the last part.

"well I'm sorry to disappoint but yes I came here to annoy your uneducated ass," Freya sassy said which in return Johnny playfully groaned annoyed. she started laughing but stopped when she noticed a pair of eyes, blue eyes watching her. she stopped laughing and avoided his gaze.

Johnny seemed to notice the awkward tension that he said "oh god- well come here I need to talk to you about something"

Freya nodded and followed him to his office." am I grounded?"

"haha very funny Rose, cut the bullshit what's wrong with you and hawk," johnny asked sitting down on his chair. "well we kind of argued and I just left the class and skipped the whole day"

johnny looked at her shocked "no shit you are way more badass than I thought you were"

"anyway tell me what happened?"

"what are you, my therapist?"

johnny laughed "no I'm not I'm just trying to help you kid anyway wait I need to call someone"

"oh, someone? who is it? are you seeing someone and you didn't tell m-" johnny cut her off by giving her a magazine.

"oh, i-well as much as would love to stay I have to go," Freya said standing up.

"what why," johnny asked. "well I have practice with daniel... I'm sorry but yeah oh and I'm already late Amanda wanted to talk to me about something so I will see you later"

johnny smiled at her and nodded "all right then have a good day kid"

Freya nodded "you too" she left his office and saw Eli, Miguel, and Aisha talking.

she sighed before walking towards them "el-hawk can I please talk to you for a second...alone?"

he nodded and both of them walked to a corner "look please meet me at this address at 6:30 don't be late" she gave him a little note before leaving she kissed his cheek.


"Hey, Amanda!" Freya said as she walked into her office. "hey sweetie! how was your day at school?"

"well um uneventful I guess?"

"what happened?" Amanda asked already knowing something happened. "well you know my boyfriend- um we fought I guess but I overreacted," Freya said looking down.

"Eli right? he seems like a sweet kid but tell me what was the fight about- wait hold on" she stopped for a second "Hey! have you seen Robby? I could use some help with those filters"

Freya turned her head to see daniel "hey Freya and yeah, he's in the back. he's helping me trim the bonsais"

"oh hell no" Freya whispered terrified. "maybe you can help him, Freya"

Freya shook her head "no I'm good actually I having a wonderful conversation with Amanda-"

"oh wow. you're letting him touch your precious bonsais. that's like third base for you, babe" Amanda said sarcastically. "and no Freya can't go I'm talking to her"

"he's a good kid. he's just had a rough go of it and I thought if I could teach him a few things, you know..."

"well, just don't try to lure him into opening his own bonsai tree store- you know how that goes" Amanda joked. Freya snorted.

"well won't you look at the time I have to go get ready I'm meeting Eli in a few hours..." Freya stood up and turn around to face Amanda "we will continue with this later, bye love you guys"

she left Amanda's office and went home.


Freya was waiting for Eli in a park close to her house. it was getting dark luckily she put up a nice picnic with lights.

 it was getting dark luckily she put up a nice picnic with lights

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(a little inspo)


she turned around to see Eli but he had his hair down, he looked really good like that. Freya smiled "Eli you came! thank you for coming"

Eli smiled "of course i-"

"no please let me talk first I want to apologize I just- ugh I got insecure that you might get someone prettier than me or better- don't get me wrong I love your new confidence and yeah you look hot with your new hair cut but I felt jealous and-"

Eli cut her off by leaning in and pressing his lips against hers. Freya was shocked at first but then close her eyes kissing him back. they kissed for a few seconds before they pulled away for air leaning their forehead against one another.

"Freya Rose I would never leave you for someone else, you are perfect in my eyes. you are beautiful Freya don't say that about yourself okay? and I'm just trying to fit in. I have been bullied all my life for my stupid scar and johnny helped me see what I needed to be confident" Eli said looking at her eyes.

Freya sighed "I know I know I'm sorry I got like this and the nerd stuff too- I mean I'm a nerd and you are so badass and cool-"

"Freya you are more badass than me and besides I'm still a nerd on the inside, I still love harry potter and star wars, I still cry when dobby dies-" Eli said smiling at Freya trying not to laugh.

Freya snorted and smiled at him "who doesn't cry when dobby dies but Snape's death is worse"

Eli laughed "I love you, Freya"

Freya's eyes were wide in shock but then smiled "I love you too"

Eli held her hand "I promise Freya I would never leave or hurt you- I can't I would never forget myself- breaking my girls heart hell no"

Freya blushed and looked down "well then let's start eating before it gets cold and guess what we are watching?"

"Harry Potter?" Eli asked sitting down on the little couch. Freya shook her head "nope since you have never seen IT we are watching the 2017 one because I couldn't find the 1990 one"

"it's your favorite movie huh? apart from the harry potter series-"

Freya nodded her head "Oh hell yes I loved the remake better than the old one, I have my reasons but yeah I hope you aren't scared of clowns" she smirked.

"Eli definitely but hawk can kick its ass"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now