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A week went by and life couldn't be perfect for Freya

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A week went by and life couldn't be perfect for Freya. In the morning she went to acting class after class she hang out with the twins.

Somedays she hung out with Miguel or Demetri. Miguel was always at the dojo and Demetri too.

She was really happy and the twins made her laugh a lot. She had the biggest crush on Jay but she didn't know if she was going to tell him and she wasn't sure if she was ready for another relationship.

Jay would always flirt with her. He called her 'beautiful' or 'Princess'. Freya and Jay were always together thanks to acting class.

If they weren't writing their song they were making choreography and let's just say there was a lot of chemistry between them.

Then there was Jules. She never had girl best friends but Jules was just amazing they had a lot in common and they laughed about anything!

Freya avoided going to the Cobra Kai dojo but she missed joking around with Miguel and Johnny.

Miguel told Freya about the kiss he shared with Tory. She told him that she was happy for him but on the inside, Tory gave her an off vibe. She didn't know why but she didn't say anything she was just happy her best friend found someone else.

Miguel asked about Hawk but Freya changed the subject. He was mad at hawk for what he did to Freya and Demetri.

Life for Hawk or Eli wasn't as perfect as Freya's. Let's just say he was broken inside and was angry at himself.

He didn't understand why he couldn't control himself. He felt like the incredible hulk. When he got angry he can't control it.

When Freya forgave him he felt so happy and more when she agreed to get back together. Anger got the best of him.

He missed Demetri too and his stupid jokes or his sarcastic comments he made.

Now the Cobras were at Coyote Creek playing black vs red. Hawk vs Miguel.

As Miguel was looking for people he saw hawk with Miyagi's medal of honor which made his blood boil.

He leaned against a tree waiting for his best friend. He heard footsteps and looking in the direction of it he saw the person he was looking for.

"Finally, a worthy opponent"

"So, you're the one that trashed Miyagi-Do"

"They're the enemy. I had to put them in their place"

"So, that means you had to trash their dojo and steal the Medal of Honor?"

"Why do you care? Just 'cause you have a thing for sam doesn't mean I have to go soft"

"I'm not soft. And this isn't about her."

"Nah. Sure it isn't"

"You realize what would happen if Freya found out huh? You are calling me soft but what would happen if I told her it was you? She was going to hate you even more than she does right now"

Hawk stayed silent.

"Yeah, that what I thought. Now give it to me"

"You want the Medal so bad? Come and take it"

A minute later hawk was groaning on the floor. Miguel leaned forward and took the medal. "That's all I've got"


As Freya was walking to Robby's room because she was gonna ask him if he knew where Sam was. She looked up to see Sam and Robby kissing.

Her jaw dropped. She didn't expect that to happen that fast.

"I called it! I fucking called it!"

They laughed and pulled away "yes Freya?"

"Well, this is awkward. I was going to ask you where sam was but I guess I don't have to anymore"

They chuckled and gave Freya a look for her to leave "okay okay I'm leaving jeez- by the way you guys have my blessing!" She said before walking away.

She walked to her room "I found her and she was quite busy" she laughed.

"Well might as well get started, Princess"

She snorted "I swear to god I love La La Land but since we have seen it so many times my love for the movie is fading away"

He chuckled and stood up walking closer to her. "Come on it's literally the best movie ever" he joked.

Freya rolled her eyes "maybe-"

The doorbell cut her off she opened the door and saw Robby "hey Robby can you please see who it is and what they want? Thank you."

She closed the door before he could say something. "Now I don't think we need to watch it again. I understand Mia very much. Do you understand Sebastian?"

"Kind of- come on just one more time?"

Freya sighed "fine come on"

She was about to click play when she noticed Miguel walking away. She smiled and told Jay to wait. She ran towards him attacking him with a hug.


He chuckled hugging her back "Hey Freya what's up? You have been MIA"

They pulled away and she said "Yeah I'm so sorry I have been so busy with all my acting classes and I made two friends! Their names are Jay and Jules, they're twins"

He nodded and smiled "I'm happy you made friends Rosie"

"I still hate that nickname-"

"You haven't come to the dojo"

Freya's smile faded and shook her head "no and I won't for some time. What they did was horrible. Whoever it was is so fucking stupid"

Miguel was going to say something when someone interrupted them.

"Hey, Freya? Wheres the- oh hey man"

Miguel looked at her with wide eyes. Freya shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Miguel this is Jay Carson, Jay this is Miguel one of my dearest best friends"

"Nice to meet you man," jay said.

"The same Man," Miguel said while the two boys did a handshake.

"Well, Freya I'll wait for you inside okay?"

She nodded and smiled at him. Once he was gone Freya smirked.

"He's just too cute!"

"Miguel next time please be less obvious. And I know right?"

Miguel chuckled and nodded "he likes you, you know"

"How can you tell?"

"I can feel it"

"Feel what?" she asked confused.

"The electricity"

(A/n: if you got the two references ily)

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now