☀︎︎42- Secret☀︎︎

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That day after the sushi restaurant Freya drove over to Demetri's

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That day after the sushi restaurant Freya drove over to Demetri's. They were having a Percy Jackson marathon.

"Demetri I know we are watching Percy Jackson right now but next time I vote we watch MindHunter. I heard it's so good! Plus I think Jonathan Groff is in it" Freya said laying next to Demetri.

He nodded "sure- wait the Jonathan Groff? Jesse from glee?"

She nodded "yeah my boyfriend"

Demetri nodded "yeah sure wait talking about boyfriends how's it going with Jay"

Freya sighed "I don't know- I haven't talked to him since what happened to Miguel"

Demetri nodded "do you still like him?"

Freya thought about it for a second "I like him yeah but as a friend. I still have stronger feelings for The Pigeon"

Demetri snorted "yeah. You know I just know he still loves you- I haven't talked to him in so long but I just know he still does. The last time I did talk like really talk to him like a civil person- he said that every day he was falling more in love with you"

Freya's eyes widened "really? When was that?"

"It was right before his pigeon transformation"

Freya slowly nodded "oh so it was a long time ago- I still love him. I tried dating someone else and failed but anyway how's your arm"

"Oh yeah good I guess it hurts sometimes- but yeah I'm good I kinda miss training"

Freya snorted "yeah sure I can tell- you and your Game Of Thrones references/ analogies"

He laughed "yeah now shut up and let's watch the movie"


The next day Freya drove over to Johnnys again. She was kind of nervous about what happened yesterday with Tory but Miguel didn't mention anything.

"Oh shit, that's a new record!"

"Focus!" Johnny yelled.

"Come on, this is worse than yesterday! You aren't even trying- what's the problem? You saw your ex. Big deal"

Freya stayed silent.

"Big deal? Dude, look at you. We spent all day doing bullshit for your ex, making you someone you're not. At least when I saw my ex I told her how things really were"

"Actually that was me but sure take all my credit" Freya sarcastically said.

"Done with your little hissy fit or are you just giving up?"

"No, you are," Miguel said in a low voice.

"What'd you say?"

Miguel turned his head at Johnny "you're the one giving up!"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now