☀︎︎45- Birthday☀︎︎

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"I can't believe it been a year since Eli took me to Universal and DisneyWorld- please don't make a big deal today"

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"I can't believe it been a year since Eli took me to Universal and DisneyWorld- please don't make a big deal today"

After that day two weeks went by. Nothing happened in those two weeks. Freya started feeling sad because of her parents and her birthday.

She was walking with Jules today. They hadn't talked much cause of all the karate drama which Jules understood but she missed her best friend and had been hanging out with Moon.

"About that-i might've mentioned your birthday to moon"

Freya's eyes widened "Jules! Why?"

"I'm sorry! But you're turning 18! And to be completely honest with you I have been lonely. Enzo is doing spy shit with my twin brother and you're always with Johnny and Miguel- moon is the only one I have right now"

Freya sighed "it's okay. I'm sorry I didn't know how you were feeling- it's just so much shit happened in a short time- dude I haven't cried since forever"

"Wow really and by the way why are you a year older than us? You're in junior year when you're supposed to be in senior year?"

"Well, it has to do with the fact that I was homeschooled. But I don't mind really-" Freya started but got cut off by Miguel.

"FREYA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE GIRL EVER! HAPPY 18-" Miguel ran to her yelling but Freya cut him off.

"Keep it down! But thank you, Miguel. I appreciate it"

He smiled and hugged her "happy birthday Rosie. I love you"

She hugged him back and smiled "thank you Miggy. I love you too"

They let go and she spotted Enzo and Jay running to her.

"Oh god"

Enzo and Jay told Miguel the plan which he was okay with it as long as they wouldn't get hurt.

"Haaaaaappppyyyy biiiirrrrttthhhhaaayyyy!" The two boys sang.

People walked by and Freya avoided their gazes.

They stopped singing and she smiled.

"Wow, guys thank you! Really I appreciate it" she said hugging the two boys.

"Freya! Happy birthday!" Someone behind her said. She turned around to meet Moon.

"Hey, Moon! Thank you!" She said smiling at her.

"So I have a surprise for you! Come to my house later today at 8!" Moon said before leaving.

Freya turned to Jules "please tell me it's not a party?"

"I wish I could"


Freya walked to film class and she was so over it that didn't notice hawk was already there.

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now