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A week later Freya and Jay found out that Jules and Enzo have been going out which both weren't surprised

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A week later Freya and Jay found out that Jules and Enzo have been going out which both weren't surprised.

It was Friday. Freya had classes in the morning so she got ready and drove to the auditorium.

She met Jay by the door "hey jay good morning"

"Good morning Princess"

She still blushed every time he called her princess. It reminded her of Eli or hawk. She missed him so much.

They walked in to see Natalia (Enzos mom) sitting on the floor waiting for the rest to arrive.

"Good morning Natalia"

"Good morning guys now please go find Jules and Enzo I need to talk to you guys"

Freya nodded and smiled.

"Oh god we need to find Jules and Enzo I'm scared of what we might see- hopefully, my virgin eyes won't burn" she joked.

Jay snorted "yeah that makes two of us"

The pair walked backstage to see Jules and Enzo making out. "Oh my god guys it's too early for that" she fake gagged.

"Woah Woah Woah hands on the waist not lower or higher got that bud" Jay ordered.

Enzo stood up helping Jules up both of them blushing.

"You horny ass mother fuckers come on Natalia needs to talk to us" with that Freya and Jay left the pair.

Once they walked on stage they started laughing "holy shit that was hilarious but my eyes are burning"

"Oh my god did you see their faces," he said between laughs.

A minute later the pair joined so did the rest of the students.

"So as you guys might know the summer is coming to an end and we don't have much time so I'm going to give you a new project. Don't worry those songs you are making will be for next summer so keep doing them"

"You are going to pick a song from the movie that I gave you and you are going to sing it with the exact same costumes"

"You will be performing them next week which is the last class this year. Get to work guys" with that she left.

Freya and Jay looked at each other with huge grins on their faces.

"City Of Stars," they both said at the same time.


"That's great too but I think we should do City of Stars there's more emotion there"

"Or do you just want to play the piano on stage"

"Okay maybe that why come on" he begged.

Freya sighed "okay fine let's practice tomorrow okay? I can't today"

𝘙𝘦𝘥 -Eli "Hawk"Where stories live. Discover now