promise? -Promise

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(Liana pov)

" okay" I said n look back to my  cooking

Currently I'm making Masala rice , aka ' Pulav' n niall smell  n said me , 'im hungry' well I ain't gonna make for him .

" oh c'mon Lina, give me some " niall called me lina!?

" its Lia-na" I said

" n ain't gonna give u a bit , make ur own food Neil " I said with smirk

" its Niall not Niel !" He said

I took my food nn went to table

Guess what I left for him too

After some minutes he came back to work a smile n a dish in his hand

He didn't say anything but eat some rice n smile arise on his face.

I was so happy  looking his smile,  he reminds me of my brother.

I cook so nice n he used to love my food

" Liana " I heard someone voice I don't want to hear.

Gosh when he will leave me?

I didn't said anything just look up.

He came into the kitchen  n look at niall,  who was lost in imaginer world while eating.

Then he look at me.

I just fold my hands waiting for him to say anything.

"  aleast speak something " he said

" u can see n I too. " I said

He sighed , " do u have left for me?" He ask

" niall?"

" sry no"

" then I  think I gotta make something for myself " he said

I look at niall n he was finished by now

I look down at dish , half still left.

" can we go out for a walk after I finish, pls niall?" I ask him

" luv to " he said with a smile

I quickly finished my food n clean up

I went upstairs to change,

In middle of stairs I meet Liam

" where r u going?" He ask

" walking with niall " I said

" walk in garden only" he said

Idk why , what's come in me , I ask him " btw "


" where r u going?" I ask him same question

" well , I have some paper work " he said

" ok "

* outside in garden with Naill , walking around *

" liana " he break the silence between us

" yes"

" do u really love or even like Liam?" He ask question , that I don't even know

" honestly, I don't know niall"

He sighed yet we kept walking

" its okay but have you spent quality time with him ?" He ask me

" I don't think so , nor I want to " I said

" you should do as fast as possible till we five r here , coz louis n zayn Gf r calling them back,  even I cant stay back, n Michelle has no choice " he warn me

" idk how days r going " I said as fear arose inside me

" u know that this is your life now?"

I stop n so he

" look Niall , I only trust you n Michelle rn , id ab Harry , Louis not Zayn , please don't leave me please " I said

" no no we aren't going to leave you , u still got alot of time " he said put his hand on my shoulder gently

" but u gotta promise me that  u will make something between you n Liam , not love but frds ?" He ask me

" if u guys r there , then surely I promise " i said

Niall proudly smiled n hug me then we went back to normal walking happy .

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