I ❤️ u like a ❤️ song ,baby

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I went through my freshman year photos. I saw a photo in which I was standing with all boys , Spencer was on my right, Joe on my left , Chris on side of Joe n two Senior on Spencer side , the boy on last look like Liam n another I remember his face but not name . It was a simple name .

I texted Joe ( who is still my frd but he took Science n so we loose chance to meet) .

* Liana textin Joe*

Liana: hey , Joe , r u free ?
Liana : I wanna ask u something :)

Joe : y .

Liana : did u ever had senior frds in Freshman?

Joe: so many ....

Liana : name pls

Joe : I don't remember all of them but they were 5 or 6 .

Joe: Harry Styles, Liam , Louis T. ,Zayn Malik ( maybe Khan ) , Niel ( not sure ab him).

Liana : sent a photo.

Joe : omg , we look like Minions.
Joe: wait
Joe: is
Joe: that
Joe: Harry styles
Joe: n
Joe: Liam.

Liana : sure ab Liam not Harry :(

Joe : fine , but why did u ask .

Liana : I had a bad incident  with Liam last night.

Joe: what he did 2 u?

Liana : nth just kiss my forehead .

Joe: tell me clear .... He just can't kiss ur Forehead like that .... R u his gf?

Liana : no Im not his gf.

Liana : last night I was walking alone in streets .

Liana : he came out of nowhere n gave me his expensive Armani coat , I was feeling cold.

Liana: then he came closer to me n hold me tight by back .

Liana : he was sayin like ' do u even remember me , do u even knw me properly , do u .....'

Liana : I started cryin  in pain n he loose .... I ran back home.

Liana : he went so scarry, he won't let go ....

Joe: im comin ur home now .


Liana : k.

* Texting over*

It was good if Joe came up to me. I get up , put my photo n old clothes back to their place. Get up went straight to kitchen , wash my hands .  I made some mac n cheese for us. I put on songs for me . I dance n cook n sing. I turn off the gas n cover mac n cheese.

I hear door bell ring. " Comin " I wash my hand n dried them with towel. I was happy to see Joe . Someone who I'm gonna be rexal n be safe. He is like my brother. I sigh n finally open the doors.

It was Spencer n a tall elder man than him. " Hey Bae ..." Spencer hugged me . I hug him back. " This is Harry , my frd from Senior of our freshman " harry , I have talk to him once ... That the I remember. No we meet four time , third time he introduced me to his frd.

" Have we ever meet in ur senior?" I ask him " yeppp ... Liana Aryan" he said " actually around 5 or 4 times , we had to complete  school before you guys" he said n I let them entered.

" So do u remember Liam , Liam Payne?" Harry ask. The incident happened last night , all came to me . " Liana" someone touch me n flich , he hold me back, it was Spencer. " Liana r u okay?" Spencer ask me . " Yeah just uhm -" I was stop by my door opening in flash . I hear something break in my house . We ran to hall where Harry styles was.
There was broken glass vase, and no Harry , the door was left open.

We went out , I saw a man who was wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses and a beanie. Fully covered in black clothes. He was smoking cigarettes. He was lookin at road , in hands were some white roses n a red box.

He turn to our house. " Miss.Aryan?" I nodded " this is for you " he was handing me White roses n red box. " Who r u ?" Spencer ask him , " im from Wolverhampton sport association. " " Name please"
" Mr.malik... I ain't going my first name sorry" he gave Spencer a paper n a package of sports clothes.
" Hope to see u tomorrow. Mr.Tyone" with that he left .

We clean the broken pieces of glass. Harry text that he had an urgent problem so he left n he was sorry for breaking my glass.

We eat pasta n clean dishes.

" Liana , I got a good news" he was reading the paper given by Mr.Malik " I m selected for the game n tomorrow training starts"

"That's great " I wish him.

* At 3.48 pm*

I got a message from baby sitting .

" Spen I got babysitting tonight" he sighed . " Im dropping u "

I got ready , I charge my phone n took my stuff.

I get into the car of Spencer. We got on the location .

" By bae, I  luv u" with that we kiss. N I entered the house.

The parents greeted me. " The kids are sleeping upstairs n if they just hunger , feed them some wraps . Okay honey?" The mother gave me the key n left home with her husband.

I sighed n landed my head on soft sofa. This house was a huge Fuckin mansion. It was 4 pm to 11.30 pm ... I was getting more money.

* At 11.37pm*
It been 7 min more n the couple hasnt come yet , I waited for 6 min more , The couple finally come . They paid me extra money .

I try to call Vishwa n Spencer but my phone battery was low. Plus I was in the middle of the cold streets .

I decided to walk home . I hear  a van behind me on road. It came closer to me , I walk little faster.

 It came closer to me , I walk little faster

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