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( Yaeger Ambrosio pov)

" The cops are with him or his within them, they've denied taking your case but don't worry.  U have me now" I said as I sat in car , giving her meal.

I got us some coffee n sides.

" Do u take anything in return" she ask . "Uhm look you are innocent. I should be helping you out without any interest back. But seeing you happy n the one of it causing was me would be enough as in place of. " I smiled at her.

She trail down her eyes at my arm , she gasp n push her back on the seat , " wtf u have a steel arm .r u robot!?" She look at me with horrified.

" Its a long story too" I start to drive n shes still in shock.

I told her how I lost a arm in a fight or war n almost died but my finest doctors in the world saved me by using secret drugs. Basically I will live longer that normal human. I do things much faster n better than anyone.
By this time I told her my truth, she had open mouth.

"Unbelievable , u don't look like bodybuilder or even fine-" I stop the car at the side

" Sorry I didn't mean to pls don't kick me out-" "let me show you , also its hot here" I chuckled,  cut her off by removing my coat n sweater. Then I tie my hair back in half bun or something.

" U r literal robertic Ghost" she said. I chuckled at the beautiful girl next to me. Nor she got a bad body.

" Can I touch" she murmured. She looks at me than my arm " Yeah but don't dig your nail it will get broke" I said as I lean towards her.

She gently touch my  metal arm n the part which connects .

" I can't believe my eyes" she said

Look how astonished by me. Such a beauty.

" lets head my home." I said.

I drive to my mansion. I took her inside.

I look at her , she's young n small in height. Long black hair n natural tan skin. Red lips , beautiful dark brown sharp eyes. Shyness n nervousness filled in her. She looks at me then turn her face away looking at the hall , she tuck hair behind her ear.

She looks at me n snap back.
I frown at her action but realised I was starting at her.

I forget I still look that scary enough

" What u want to do ?" I ask her.

" I need food n some warm clothes" she said

" Sure!" I lead her to the bathroom

"Here I have some warm clothes, also u can take bath if u want to, I go n prepare meal" I said n left.

I rolled up my sleeve n starts to cook spaghetti

Its my chance to impress her.

And as of liam , I will give him money or something enough to give her to me.

*Dinners ready*

I pour wine in our glasses as I look up to see her , coming the stairs carefully.

She wore my hoodie n sweatpants.

She's just another kitten.

" Wow , u cook really good " she said as she looks over the food. I stand n smiled proudly.

I pulled the chair for her to seat.

She smiled n sat.

I serve her n sat beside her.

" So how old are you?" I almost chok myself. I don't know what to lie.
"106 " she look at her with confusion n then giggle.
" U seems 29 or 32" she said. I just shrugged.
" How many kids do u have?" " None" " wife isn't ready?" "Unmarried" "engaged to girlfrd?" " Single" " then I should stay away from u" she Chuckle , "no need to"  " no way I'm givin in" she took her  plate n start to wash.

" Hey you didn't drink ur wine" I said.

Hopefully the drug was mixed well in her glass

She look at it , n swift her eyes at me, " I don't drink wine" "its not alcoholic" "bitter things doesn't get me"

Just comsume it ! I sighed ,
" try w spaghetti, im sure you will love it" before she can even say anything , I bend n pour the wine mixing it, took the knife from her n mix it well.

I spine the noodles around the fork n feed her

"Uhm , so good" she eat it, I watch her chew every bit , as I pour wine in dish, the way she licks her lips , takes a mouthful of meal in her small mouth, times passes n her dish is half way. I pulled pasta in mouth from the marked fork n kept a strong eye contact with her. Our eyes meet , and man...
Fish in net now

Fish in net now

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