i fucking want u

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( Liam Payne pov)

I can't believe this, I never caused in my life. My whole work been underground n hidden since starting. 

I try to call my lawyer, he didn't picked up plus its 9 PM rn so I will call him tomorrow.

I check some files , n signed some for farther process.

The work got done quickly, I went to balcony for fresh air.

I look around to see Niall n Liana walking together n laughing . I cant heard them so clearly.

Honestly I would do anything for liana's laugh .

I felt sorry for making her life dangerous,  scary,  twisted . I took her out of her normal w/o her wish. That's hurt but I will make her happiest n try it making a much better than normal. 

I sighed n went back.

" Mr.payne"

yeah say , while I'm in my 4ever payne.

Louis maid call me telling that Niall was calling me, I ask him if Liana was with Niall , his said he saw .

I went down, to see Liana was sleeping on a bench n Niall was standing up against the wall completed awake.

" What's up ?" " Take her" what? " What what, just take her up n sleep " I still don't understand why he's doing like this.

He sighed " Jesus, Liam. I will wake her up n its perfect time for all to fall her in love. Be caring loving to her , but don't do anything without her permission"  oh so he's helping

" Thx bro" with he left n it was just me n her.

She was sleeping like a child, water was coming out of her mouth, her hair speared everywhere, her limps in a position of break dance. Just so perfect for me.

I gently pick her up in a bride way. Accidentally she woke up inside.

" Lam ?" She snored, " aye, baby sleep its just me " she look at me with blinding eyes, rested her head on my between my arm n chest.

I took her up in my room.

I lay her down on bed.

I was about to put duvet on her , she sited her up , " what's sweetheart?" " Need to go to bathroom bruhvftgh....." I lead her to bathroom.

I go back to bed to set it , before it , i change myself in comfortable clothes.

It will an peaceful night. I hope so. I love her so much. Tomorrow in my house n in my bed. Plus it was her dream house she talks to her frds . There's everything she wants , she loves, plus somethings that will definitely stole her heart.

She be a queen in my castle n I , her forever king. My baby my love. I fucking love her so much that she can even imagine.

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