dark side👿

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(Harry pov)

I can't believe Liana Aryan  behaviour, even she stays with Liam. There r only two reasons of this n it's that Liana is super stubborn or Liam went liquid on her.

"Did u tell her rules ?" I ask Liam. " What rules n of what?" He loves her too much. " Liam why u didn't tell her the rules , u have to be hard on her otherwise she will dare to escape n mess up everything " Louis said. " I can't , I can't go Hard on her . She has something that stop me from everything" Liam finally said.
" Liam treating her like this n goin too smooth on her isn't good , if u loose ur temper she will hate you . Be real Liam " louis said. Liam has a soft side only for Liana , but he was very I mean VERY bad temper when he gets mad.

" I can't she gets scare" Liam said. " Im sorry to tell but if u can't go Hard on her then leave her!" Zayn said getting angry.

" What r u sayin Zayn ?" Liam said getting angry. " What u heard , u r fakin , she will be never , never be happy with u , u r just playin with her life " louis said.

Liam eyes were red n he was filled with angry.

Zayn n louis were like they r about to cry . But it's actually Liam's fault . He made things harder. Look I have a girlfriend , I know it hurts , hurts so badly but it's only the way to let them know that they are safe with us. Being a criminal n lover is hard , its so fuckin hard. Either this way or let her go.

I just look at Niall , who had a sad expression. I went up to my room.

I sighed n land on bed.

I have to ask if my girlfriend is good .

I call to my house in London. " Hello" Shasa said. She is an elder women working for me.  "Hello Shasa how is Michelle?" Michelle is my girlfriend. She doesn't like called my gf but soon she will. " She is great ..... Spending her time on arts n craft " she said through phone. " Is she eating well ?" " Uhm yeah but she is eating limited food." Wtf she need to eat .
" Why ? She can eat whatever she wants !" I was angry on Shasa because she makes food n manage our diet.

" But sir , your girls are told to be tall n skinny " beside my job I trade models .... Most of them stay with me for fun but I stop it when I found that Michelle is still there n thus I kidnap her from school. I love her.

" Michelle is not a model , she is like my wife ..... Feed her whatever she likes. When I come back I don't wanna see her thin , she must be healthy" I said " okay sir " she was shaking through. " N did someone come in my absence?" I ask her because last time when I went for a business work . Kendall n Taylor came over n revel all my hidden secrets .

" Yes sir , Your Mum n Dad came " shit . My parents didn't know about her. " What happened tell me in detail" idk what Michelle has told them." Things went smoothly , they love her , she was very sweet to them but they said that Michelle is just sixteen so she  needs to go school" " sir , Michelle want to talk with you" she said , " yes please" .

" Hari " her cute rashed voice when she is angry. " Hey baby how r u?" I ask her. " Look your parents came ur house , I told them a lie that im-" "how are you baby ?" I cut her off  , she needs to answer me first n be nice. " I told them -" " How . Are. You?" "Fine" " fine what ?" I told her to call me bae , sweetheart , darling or honey , so we can be close. " Fine bae"  "good now tell me how was it meeting my parents actually ours parents?" I ask honestly I want to know . " They told me to go to school , I told them a lie that I'm ur girlfriend , ur parents were very sweet " i happy with her response.

" So do u really mean what u said-" " what !?" She is really angry. " That you told them that u r my gf -" NAH , Never" do really know who is she talking with. " Michelle don't be like this" I said through phone. She didn't said anything but I hear Shasa telling her something.

" Uhm sir " Shasa finally took my phone " give phone to her " sorry sir she went up n lock the doors " I didn't said her anything but ended up the call.

( Liam pov)
I know I did a big mistake , Liana is going out of hands.
" Liam " I saw Liana scared.  "Liam r u cryin?" She ask me . I said nth , she just huge me as tight as she can. She is feather infront of me. " Im sorry " she said.

I want to tell her good words n clam her but ....

I did nth but loose her n leave her there.

" Go pack whatever u want to pack we r leaving this place tomorrow " I said to her without looking at her.

" But li-" " no buts Just. Go."

" Never , im not leaving Spencer" really she still think about Spencer after what I gave her , she don't see my love . Boys were right.

" Spencer won't love you like me !" I face her "so forget him otherwise I will kill him " I said throwing her on bed. She tried to push me away but nth goin to work.

" U think you can scare me with fake threading huh?" She ask . Oh dear, so navie " baby I mean I will kill Spencer infront of you so you may know that he die . N killin him won't be hard for me .... I killed so many people . So you have to behave as my girl n forget Spencer." Her face gone pale. 

" I can't believe you " she said horrified . " I can't believe you that you still think about him when I can love you more." I said honestly. " This is not you " " u have seen my good side but not my real side , kitten" with that I left her alone on bed n lock the room when I left her.

This is what she gets , misbehaving around me .

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