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(L.a. =Liana Aryan)

Finally , exams are over . Now I can some peace. From the bottom of my heart , I do love school but I just hate homework , lectures n exams.

I have two jobs , one at coffee shop and another baby sitting. I rarely get baby sitting ones but when I get it , I always late at home, around 10 or 10:30 pm .
My friend Ellie shoutes at me during those days .

Ellie is in first year of business college . She was my friend Sam gf but unfortunately they broke up becoz of distance n study .... Somehow we meet up n decide to live together.

*At coffee shop*
"Hey , vas happin?" Spencer ask me taking empty cups to dishwasher. " All good n u?" I ask him taking my stuff for work . " Same " he smiled at me then we both went to our work.

" welcome sir , what you would like to order?" Its a tall n young handsome with brown hair and brown eyes, he was looking at menu then he look at me .... He eyes slightly widen as he look at me .

Not to make things more uncomfortable .I said " you can our special today ... Which is mocha coffee with a brownie " fake smiling ... Ok this is getting creepy.

He turn his face away n look again at menu" uhh- what do- ya th-think?" He ask putting his hand in his chin " of what?" I ask sounding quiet uncomfortable. " Actually .... Im new here n i uhm dk what to have so I was asking ur opinion ... I mean what you like here most ?" He finished with a cute smile. " I prefer more chocolatey... " "oh I love chocolates!" " Then I prefer you to take a mocha coffee with hot chocolate syrup or whip cream with salty biscuits" " I would love to have it " "sir with syrup or cream? " " First of all its Liam and with cream" I smile at him and turn to kitchen .

"A mocha whip cream with salty biscuits" I gave it to Spencer. " Are you ordering for yourself?" " No but someone like mine" he smirked at me n start making coffee.

I head off to other tables n took orders . I went back to kitchen. " Here mocha one n old coffee one " Spencer handed me and I gave the old coffee one because it was near then I went to liams table , "here is your mocha coffee with whipped cream n salty biscuits" I put his coffee on his table and smile at him " smells deliously chocolate" I giggled at him comment " please tell me if you need anything else " I was about to turn n walk away .

" Uhm can I ask u something if you don't mind?" He said in serious ton " yeah " turn back to him " what is your name?" " Its Liana" " so do you go to High school or something?" " 11th grade" he smiled at me , aww his smile melted me .

"Well thanks Liana" then he sip his coffee . I went back to my work .

" Hey Liana... Is your work over?" Spencer ask putting his stuff back . " Almost done , just cleaning of table are left " putting empty cups n dish in dishwasher. " Ok im waiting outside for you .... " " Love to sent time with Spencer " I smile at he as he walk out.

I went to my section tables and clean them . The last one was Liam. He had put some tips and a paper . I took the paper and read it ' the coffee was very delicious and biscuits were warm and nice . I love your choice . Hope to see you again Liana .x

I smile at the letter and put it in my pocket and did my work . Head off to Spencer.

 Head off to Spencer

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