🌇×⛈️kidnapin Liana⛈️×🌃

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Finally , after so many chapters , this the one is was dying to write. Thank you guys for all love n support . Thanks for your patience with me. Love you all. Be safe , stay at home n read my stories. Pls vote , share n read my stories. ;)

(Liana pov)
I walk a little faster . The van move faster. I started running n turn to the corner in streets . The van moved by . N I no more  hear the car . I was breathing heavily . I finally came out on street n ran , someone pulled me n hit me on walls .

I look up to see four man standing in front of me .

" If u even speak a word I will not hesitate to kill you "

One of them pull out a gun , I try to ran but he catch me by waist abd throw me on his shoulder . N throw me in a van .
" Look if don't want to come with us then " he pulled a body . It was Spencer .

" Spencer !" I rans to his body but they pull me  back by my hair.

I start crying in pain. The man level to me , " bae don't cry .... Look at me " I didn't look at him n try to come to Spencer. " STOP YOUR CRYIN !!" He shout at me. In fear I try to stop.

He pull Spencer body up , Spencer was breathing. " He isn't dead now " then put his body down. " Pls let us go pls I beg u " I beg him , he just laughed. " If u don't come with us then we will kill him "

" Pls don't do anything to him , I will come " " take body " he said to other.

He tied me up and throw in car.  Two man's were sitting back with me.

One of them didn't lock the door. I wait for 10 min to hit that guy where sun don't shin.
I kick him with my full engr

y. He was knock down due to pain. I press the lock n open the door. The car star moving in zik-zak form . I jump out n land on road .

I stand n star to run somewhere. The car stop n man came out . They ran behind me . We ran into woods . I hit my foot with a stone I fall. I try to stand but I can't because it hurt so much.

" There she is " someone from behind. My arm were pull up . I grons in pain  . It hurts so back. " Wait her ankle are bleeding" another man stop him.   They turn me , " ahh it hurts"

" Liana open ur eyes , look at me" I open my eyes n look at him " im gonna carry you "
Before I can say anything he pull me up by waist n throw me over his shoulder.

" Pls let me go " I beg him. "Shut up" he spat me on my hips. We stop here the car , he opened the door and throw me in , putting an foot gently in. " If u won't move much , it won't hurt"

Then a hand rang over my nose , it was a cloth containing alcohol , I try not to smell. After 10 min of fighting not to breathe, everything went blur.  I'm Kidnaped .

  I'm Kidnaped

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