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( harry Styles pov)

I woke up with a hug head ache.

I rub my eyes , n look around.

Lads body was layed around me in the car.

I slowly get up , I remember Michelle hit everyone.

She getting into a big deal. That bitch need a lesson to learn.

I woke boys.

" Im gonna kill Michelle" Zayn exhale n bang a wist against the door.

We try to break the lock .

Liam came up mental he hit n broke.

We got out of car n it was morning.

We look to see our car in line we kept.

Michelle n Liana ran away, 8 guess.

I went to my car , I was walking n slighty slips , looks down to see a used bullet. Not so far another one. This means someone is hereby.

I sign Niall to stop n ready to act.

He nodded. Everyone notice us n stood in action

I opened my car , n took seat in.

I look behind n it was Michelle!

She had the Harmer. She was about to hit me , before I caught her.

I hold the Harmer n pull it from her.

All the boys came near n pulled her away, she was shock to see them

They throw her on road.

She tries to get n run , but they lay her on road n start kicking n punching her.

" Spread her limbs , im gonna smash them" I order them n they did as I say.

" Please stop , im sorry, I was scared! Harry u can't do this to me stop no" Michelle cries.

" U need a lesson baby" I whisper to her .

I carried the dried blood Harmer n smash it on her hand , many bones broke , and blood flow .a loud scream came out her mouth.  I laugh n turn to next side n smash again.

I look at her stomach then her face, she's so beautiful even there are marks , dry blood n purple eye ,

"No nonono harry pls stop. Don't hit on stomach pls-" n I did the opposite.

I hit her stomach , the loudest she has ever scream.

I move to her legs n start hitting them.

I look back to her , she had faith.

" Harry enough! Shes almost died!" Louis said as he push me back, away from her.

" You will kill her , u idiot. Now stop n take her to hospital " louis said.

It took a second to cool down.

I look back at my girl.

Guilty eat up on me, why I'm so cruel!

" Where the fuck is Liam?!" Niall shouted.

I look around , Liam was nowhere on road.

An engine start, from far, I could tell it was Liam!

That guy is pure devil.

We run behind the car , but it was no use , he drove away.

Were all heavily breathing.

We went back to Michelle.

I bent n Carry her, " harry take care of her, we will be behind Liam" Zayn said n went back to our car.

I drive fast to near by hospital

* At hospital*

" So what's the report? How many fracture, Leigh-Anne? " I ask her the doc , n sat on the chair.

" Im tired of working for you satin' people!" She said as she rest her on back on the seat.

" ya getting more money than an average doc! N in the other side , we took the blame on us for your fam sake!" I said.

She killed someone by mistake n in court we took blame on us to save her from her family.

" You don't know the meaning of family love, harry !" She said

" Just shut up n telling me how my Michelle?" I ask her.

Even though I'm nervous af but have to pretend strong.

" My ?" She raises eyebrow , n filt the file open to say " well , alive" she said.

" Bitch , I know she's alive , I wanna know how much she is hurted!?" I stood  up n scatch the file from her hand.

" Whats all this?!" I read down n I can't understand.

" I wonder" I look at her, "why would you hit her in this condition! " She said.

" Because she ranway , n I can do whatever the fuck I want to with her!" I slam my hands on her desk.

She didn't react at all.

" U r a insane devil " she said.

" Yes im a devil, but before I haven't kill you" I said.

She chuckle, n turn to me ," kill me? I won't be surprise coz u have already kill someone , innocent" she said.

" Wait Michelles died? No it can't be " I said , expecting a no.

" obviously no! But she would be? Do u know how hard was for me to hold that died baby! Which father kills his own child n beat its mother! N I think Michelle ran away because u can never ,never be a nice dad. Why would you kill her baby?" She shouted at me.

I can't believe what she just told

" Shes pregnant?" I ask her , I was about to cry , " was" she exhale air n sat back on her seat.

" I didn't- I don't know, my child! I -"

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