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( Liana pov)

I slowly open my eyes n close it again , this bed was so soft like cloud  but why my body felt heavy on waist n legs. I felt that someone strong had hands covering my waist.

I open my eyes again n saw someone chest, I rang up my eyes to see it was a MAN. Wtf?

" Get Fuckin Off " I scream n try to get loose from him. I somehow managed to get out of bed n land on ground.

I clear my vision n stand up . The man was woke by now.

" Who r u, why am here , what you did to me?" I scream on him. " Came down " he had brown hair n had sort of athletic body. He was stretching his arms like I'm wishing him morning.

I look around for a weapon . I saw a lamp n I take it ," look answer my questions rn or else I will hit you very bad " I said pointing the sharp edge to him.

He just look at me n smile n suddenly pull the lamp which causes me to pull towards him.  He took the lamp away from me n throw it somewhere else. I landed on his chest . He took my body into his lap.

" Oh dear don't u remember what happened last night . U promise to stay with me for Spencer " he said taking my hair away from my face. I do remember , I remember getting kidnap by some 4 or 5 people .

Hold on a second , it was Liam.
" Liam" I told myself in shock. " Good aleast you remember my name" he said . I try to get off his lap but he hold me tighter.

" No no not now Liana " he said in my ears . I still struggle to get realise. " But why you did it ?" I almost cry " because I want you" he said " r u mad Liam ?" " Yes I'm mad in love" he said laughing. " Seriously ? What's wrong with you , how could you be so psycho?" I question him almost crying . Why he did it to me .

" Liana, im sorry I didn't mean to make you cry " his wipe away my tears with his thumbs. " But why you did it to me ... Why me?" I look at him.

" I always want you since you were in Freshman year . I hope you remember that we have meet before coffee shop. I always want you. I love you Liana I want to realise that you are mine n mine only"

" Have you lost your mind? ,You kidnap me N then sleep with me!" I said to him crying. " Liana , I just sleep with you nth else , I would never do anything without ur will . Im sorry , I kidnap you  only because I love you" he said . Wft seriously?

I thought he was just a normal guy who studied in the same school but he was 100% psychopathic. I don't wanna be with him even a second.

"Fuck off!" I get up from his lap a turn off bed, I try to run away from him. I felt an pain in my ankle which cause me to fall. I scream in pain. "Liana..." Liam get up from the bed n bend towards me. I try to push him away. But he took my hand ." Don't do like that " he said more like a command.

" Get ur fuckin hands off of me you fuckin baster " I said pushing him away by my arms

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" Get ur fuckin hands off of me you fuckin baster " I said pushing him away by my arms .
He raise me up to his level . He carry me up n my back hit wall. He was holding me by my bum n hands over his chest , I face away from his face , " u don't fuckin tell me what to do or not , do what I say that's it otherwise if I got my way n baby I promise u wouldn't even dare to look at me !" He shout on me n press me hard on wall squeezing me ." Do you understand me ?" He ask taking up chin in his hands, making eye to eye contact " DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" He ask again shoutin . " Y-ye-ss" I said fumbling my letters . He try to kiss me but I turn my face which cause him to kiss me on my chicks.

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