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(liam pov)
I tried to open his garage but I couldn't. So i rans back to his backyard.

I saw someone in his house moving. I hide myself in shadow. The lights turn on n it was an elder women in kitchen. She took a bottle then turn off her lights.

As far as I know , Spencer live with his friends in this house since when an elder women came?

Now all I can do is to come tomorrow when she isn't here.

*At his home*
" Hey Liam , how was your day?" Ruth ask coming down. " Its was nice  n urs ?" I ask getting in kitchen with her.

" I went to meet my boyfriend at his house" she drink some warm milk n dip choco cookies in it. I did the same thing.

" I forget to tell you something" Ruth said , " hmm" I hummed while eating cookies .

" Mum n dad went to business party n  Nicola to her friends wedding , they will come home tomorrow night , while you n me are told to keep this house plus you are here , I want you to help me clean Your room "

" Fine Ruth"

*In his bed , lights r off*
I text in frd group.
(H- harry

Li: Hey guys....

H: hey mate
Lo: oi oi
Z: hm
N: hey

Li: I saw Liana today ...she is so grown up

Z: 12 grade?
Lo: bring her !!!!
N: can she cook?
H: 🤗

Li: 11 grade n planning on her . Idk if she can cook.

N: do u need help ?
H: I'm free 4 a week....
Lo: how old she is actually?
Z: em free 2.

Li: she is 16

Li: the problem is Spencer is her bf now .

Li: I need to make a strong plain like kidnaping her , in a way that she will force herself to come with me.

Lo: the boy house that we egged!

Li: yepp ;)

Z: he can be hard sometimes.....
H: use him for her , well that's all I can suggest this night.
N: No haz.
N: we need to make a strong plain ... I knw Spencer properly ... He act stupid but he is smartass.
Lo: ok but Li do u want anyone to come there?

Li: tbh idk rn lemme think tomorrow.

N: Liam I suggest you to take rest
Lo: sleep spoonsss
Z: good night 💤
H: I alright laid down 😪😪

Li: alright mate good night n sweet dreams.

Li: alright mate good night n sweet dreams

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