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(Liam pov)

*Before kidnapin*

I call Niall, Louis , Zayn n Harry to Wolverhampton for the work. 

" I gonna drive " louis said as usual " do whatever but I will take Spencer" Zayn said loading the guns.

" Take this " I gave Zayn Liana fav White roses n her fav caramel chocolates. " Vas this?" His ask taking them " this is for Liana " he smiled at me n put them on table .

" So tonight we r going to kidnap Liana , we all have to control our actions . She is just a little girl. She will get angry might hurt us but we aren't going to beat her. Now Harry "
I gave chance to him.

" I will meet Spencer at our old school football field n catch with him . Involve him in talks n come to Liana house . I will call Zayn . Attack her house n ran away"( I knw its unbelievable but it really works in real)

" Zayn?" I turn to him.

" I will give a fake association letter to Spencer n tell him to come him tomorrow. Obviously he would come to the building . Which is shut down on Friday. I would beat him to which he knock out n later that night we would kidnap " ( mr. Malik is Zayn)

" Niall "

" I eyes are on Liana n Spencer house n on their neighbours. I have extra mask n covers for backup. "

" Louis"

" Hackin up government cameras in streets n data bockage in system . Driving self-edited car by me . No cops up n extra back up. Staying in motel or hotel in done in advance"

" Great " I said to all.

" Now, only I can touch her. If she trys to run then only touch her. If she hits you , you r going to defence yourself "

" Liam" louis told " tonight we r doin something bad for love, don't mercy !" Shooting eyes to eyes.

We have done many Kidnapings, murder, drugs selling n so many illegal things.
But this time we r doin this for my luv. I want her , I gonna take her whether she like it or not.

" Time is after her baby sitting n to our old apartment then we would take her to London"

" Get ready boys" we all stand up n went to our room.

I wore my suit , it like a batman suit all black without Cape . My face is cover with mask which shows only my eyes. I dye my hair in black . I hope reset of the boys cover in black.

to be continue

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....to be continue

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