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I did nothing but just stare at him. He was sleeping like a angel. He really looks handsome, he is like 'batman body on a cute puppy face' type. Any girl would get easily attracted to him.

Why he chose me among all the hot girls of his time . If he hadn't done this to me , I would fall for him c'mon how can I boy like a school girl school even he had hotter girl than me by his side time to time , im lucky if he really loves me like a normal guy otherwise it's useless to be in such a place .

" Liana " Liam said as he rub his eyes to look at me . I said nothing but stay there , he push his body up in a sitting position . I saw he wasn't wearing any top but only pants.

" Where were u ?" He had a thick voice thought , he had a serious face on n was waiting for me response. " Hm washroom ...." I said , " kay , come here " he said , i didn't move an inch ," Come Here " he said a bit clearer n louder n used his hands.

I walk over him n just stand infront of him , he was on bed with his arms folded on chest n just look at him with nervousness.

" I told the crew people that u r miss.payne " he said stretching him arms . " Hm " I hummed him . " I told u not to hm me , I don't like it bae " he said as he landed his feets on ground.

" Yes " I said looking down.

He lefted my chin to look at him , he had messy hair n tried face , his hands were colded like mine. Then he pated on his lap to sit on his lap , I didn't .

He sighed n pull my arms n then turn my body n then hold my waist as I sat on his lap. I struggle to get out of his lap but he was way more stronger than me. His arm was around on waist another hold my both my hands , he bited his lip as he got my hands together.

" Liana , just look at you , u r so small like a kitty kitten , how do you even think of fighting with me baby ? " He laughed n kiss my checks. I turn face away from him . " Don't do that to me I tryna be nice !" He said turning into serious .

" Just let me go " I said as I struggle to be free. " Ya knw what ? U ain't goin anywhere w/o mehhh" he said as he suggle his face into my neck .

That action cause me to laugh a bit . Then he put pressure on me n we landed straight on bed . He cover his arms around my waist n started tickling me more n I keep on laughing. He finally Stop. He parted away from me on my right , I should tickle him back .

I turn to him n start tickling him , " oh no Liana , please stop" he said as he keeps on laughing .

People might be thinking that why two people are tickling themselves at 3.30 am.

We finally stop n just look at eachother smiling. Liam cover his arms around my waist n kiss my checks n close his eyes. " R u such a heavy sleeper ?" I ask him " sometimes I can't sleep for three days n so I sleep during flights as much I can " said still closed eyes.

I closed my eyes too n draft into heavy sleep .

I closed my eyes too n draft into heavy sleep

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