Yaeger Ambrosios

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( Liana pov)

" Help!!" I scream at a car , it was late night n I was on road side of a forest .

A car stop infront of me.

In fear I cover my body from getting hurt.

The light was hurting my eyes, soon it was turn off , n I get to see the driver.

It seem a wealthy man , he was in a  suit n it was expensive car.

" Who r u?" He ask, rolling down the window.

Obviously he won't come out, thinking I'm ghost.

" Sir pls help me , I was kidnapped " I begged.

" R u a ghost? " He asked me.

" No! See I have a shadow n straight foots" I showed him

He slowly came out, with a cross in a hand.

I look at him , " u got to be serious! Im not a ghost ! " I said to him n started crying.

" Okay okay! Pls stop crying ...
Whatever is your name" he said , he slowly took steps towards me , n tap cross at me , seeing if I was a human.

Then he pressed the cross at me.

I just kept staring at him, "im a human , not a Ghost man , I need ur help , even I'm scared of dark af " I said n cried more.

He gently tap on me, " I think u r a ghost !" I said

" No I'm not , have u ever seen a ghost in a car!" He said ,n put a hand on my shoulder.

" U r not a ghost" he said.

" I need ur help man! Take to a city or cop!" I said , getting done with him.

" Okay , pls come " he said.

" U come seat behind if u want" he said.

I open the door n get into the front seat beside him.

" Net will not work here , till we get in city , it will take 35 minutes or so , so tell me your story " he said n starts to drive

" Liana Aryan" I introduce myself ,
"  Yaeger Ambrosios "he said.
" Ceo of hades & -uhm  meds" he continued.

" Im an High school student, idk which month or date it is, btw what's the time?" I ask him,

" Its 7.45 pm , 12th of may, so why were u kidnapped?":he ask.

" I don't know the actual reason mr. Ambrosios-" he cut me off , " u can tell the whole story, so you can later tell the police properly. N yeah it's Yaeger for you" he said.

" Okay, I was dating my frd, because we had feelings for eachother, it was a fresh n loving relationship. One day , one my passed school senior came at my work place , I couldn't recognise him. Later get to know him at the school gate. Few days later, my boyfriend came back home with a guy , much elder to us. It was our most senior boy , when we were freshmans.  The work place guy n this one were partners with other three. This guy fooled my bf , n got him beaten off the next day somewhere. Soon , I was kidnapped n they threaten me , that if I won't come with them , they will kill him , so I came. Later the days , I was trapped n the work guy admited he liked me so he kidnapped me, out of the rest 4 , one of them had too kidnapped a girl like me, we both decided to runaway but got caught. Midway , my frd hit them with Harmer, she told me she was pregnant n her hostage wanted a child to start a new life. She force me to run alone , because the guy who admitted , is way deadlier than anyone can imagine " I completed my story n idky I start crying.

" Hey hey hey , strop crying , now you are safe , plus your frd too, she's gonna be a mum
Be happy , now u r complete free n safe , dear" he said trying came down me.

He spread his hands back seated n got a bottle.

I look the bottle, it was unopened n of  Evan brand.

I accepted n drank only some.

" Would u mind telling the names involved in your in kidnapping , or try to remind those names , Liana?" He said.

" My boyfriend Spencer , those five guys were..."

Guess who is Yaeger?
Hint: An Avenger n he's old
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