~my sweet baby is sweet as sugar~

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(Liana pov)

I felt horrible pain in my ankles , even if I get out of window I couldn't run . I should stay here.

I decided to take a quick bath n check if I wasnt on my period. One thing about my period they never came on same day before had on the month. Thanks God I wasn't. I have already shaved for date with Spencer but I can't. I quickly take bath n come into his walldrope.

I saw so many suits n pants but they r lose . I bend down to see if there were some comfy clothes.

I found some folded grey top long enough to cover my bum properly. A also found some heels , tight white dress, n black socks. It will look cute. I put his Nick short hope he won't mind it.

I wore it , my top is so long that it covers my short

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I wore it , my top is so long that it covers my short. I decided to wear those black socks because it was a bit cold here.

Oh shit , I forgot to close the window. I ran to bathroom n close the doors , its a habit. I close the window. I hear the someone was trying to open it but I locked it . Shit why I'm so small I can't reach , o put the wet towels down to reach it. I quickly close it n put them back n ran to sink . The door bust open which make me jump. It was Liam. " Liana!" He said.

" Liam u fuckin scared me " I said to him , "why didn't u open the door ?" " I was doin my things" he sigh heavily. " What do u want?" I ask as my usual habit to boys especially to elder ones.

" I made breakfast " he said taking me out of bathroom. " Im not hungry" I was still mad at him. " Too bad , I will make you eat " he said carrying me over his shoulders. " Put. Me. Down " I said trying to jump down from him. He said nth but got down the stairs n enter into living room. N he throw me on couch like thing . " Eat it" he said handing me a plate. I turn my face away from it like a kid. " Its ur fav food . Eat it before it gets cold" I didn't even move an inch.

He sat next to me , I sat far from him. He put the plate on glass table n pull me on his lap. I try to push him away. " DON'T DO THAT" he scream at me. He sighed at me n hold me closer. " Just eat it baby" he said giving me the food. I stand up n turn to kitchen. He took my hand tryna stop me but I turn to kitchen.

" Fine let's go" he said

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" Fine let's go" he said . We sat together , he served him english breakfast. Wtf Avacados? I hate them how can someone like those Avacados toasts.

He made me my favourite food , nice berries yogurt, masala white egg, coffee, butter toast. I love it but still I was mad at him. I got more mad seeing him eating Avacados toasts ( in reality I do hate Avacados toasts it piss me off ) .

I eat my food n clean my dish , he stand next to me , I took his dish from him n clean it." I can do that" he said , " go clean ur face " I said like a mom. He said nth but clean his face on another sink . I did the same. I dry my hands n face . Liam came near to me n took me to a balcony type of room .

" So...." He said turning to me . " Hmm" I hummed him , seem like he doesn't like it. " If you wanna ask me anything u can" he said putting me on his lap. " I have so many questions" " ask , I free for whole day" he said putting me hair back . " Why did you kidnap me ?" I ask him , "look im criminal , I just can't come to ur house n ask u out, i want to make you mine, so I kidnap u , my intention wasn't like a really kidnappers. Just the thing is to give you happiness. I promise to make you happy n treat u like my queen , I love you" he said kiss my checks. I don't believe him at all. I didn't say anything back.

" But why did u hurt Spencer for me , how is he ?" I ask him , knowing that he didn't like 'Spencer' on my mouth." He is getting better , don't worry about him, we thought it would be easier to kidnap you. Sorry for hurting your feelings but I promise to love you more than him" thank God Spencer was good. I was so happy to be his girlfriend but this Liam interfer us.

" What's ur full name ?" I ask him " Liam James Payne" he said . " How old r u ?" I ask him " 26 " , " where u r from?" " Wolverhampton" " me too" I said putting my hands on his chest. Wait what I'm doing . He just smile. " Whose house it is?" " Mine , actually ours " he said " how , I mean how can u buy it , it seem very costly" I said " like I said I'm Criminal , I rob only billionaire banks n kill people at very high rate , I get much money for a generation" he said. " Wow " I was shock , I though criminal live in old scary house.

" Do you have any family like parents or siblings?" " Yep , I have two elder sisters." " Do they know bout ur work ?" " Nah , just they know that i do business with musicians and singers " he said.

" When u became a criminal N why did u became criminal?" " I started in senior year , I actually want to become a singer , I even gave audition for it when i was sixteen but they didn't choose me , I gave audition again after two yrs, they choose me , but only in one condition , that I have to be in a band , good thing was that bandmates were my best friends. One day they call Louis my bandmate n me to office , they said that I have to a fake girlfriend n they even sent to strip clubs but I want you to be my gf. I deny it , they told us to go parties , change our personality n what not , we didn't agree to that . So they played incorporated politics with us n push Zayn out , we all four went to agrue with them but unfortunately he was killed by our own manager , the manager blame us , we couldn't do anything else killing him , so we killed him n bring Zayn back , telling everyone that both got into fight n end up killing each other, from then we become criminal , thought we don't work together anymore but help each other like brothers" I was frozen . I didn't say anything but just huge him , he huge me back. " Im sorry Liam , I didn't know what you had gone through" I said " its fine, im good when I with you" he said kiss my checks knowing that I don't wanna have on lips.

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