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(Liam pov)

Harry was making lunch , pasta n mocktails, " here " he gave me a dish filled with pasta. " Mocktails ?" He ask .

" Where is from Liana ?" I ask him. " Do u really want to do it ?" He ask . " I know what I'm doing" I said , Harry sighed n gave me other food filled dish .

" u Give this her" I said , he just looked at me " n lie " he understood my plan in two words.

Everyone knows that if harry would say that he personally gave her this druged drink , she will drink it. 

I open the medicine n pour into the drink mix it will n gave him . We turn off the lights to make it act more natural.

( Liana pov)

I was sleeping n cryin on bed covers were now. I hear the knock , the shivering went down to my body , Liam is going to kill me.

" Liana it's me Harry" I hear his thick voice , I stand n the cover by blanket . I was crying alot. I look at him , he was having a dish n glass with drink not water.

"Liana stop crying , Iam not going to hurt you " he said n put the dish aside n try to come closer. I move back. I was so scared of all the five men's here.

" Don't be scare , Liam or any other boys will know about this " he said , " please don't hurt me " I said still getting away from him.

" Liana I promise I won't do anything u don't want , clam down don't cry , let's clean u up " he said while raising my chin up , meeting up to his eyes. 

I stop crying  n we went to bathroom , I clean my face n dry myself. " U okay now ?" He ask , I nodded.

He trade me to bed , I sat on right n he sat on left , we were close . " Here eat some pasta n drink this " he gave a plate of pasta n a mocktails like drink. " Is it mocktail ?" I ask him. " Yes , lemon berry" he said.

I sip some , hmmm it taste so good , " its very sweet " I said " thank you babe" he said .

I eat the pasta n drink the mocktails. I stand up again n clean up. " Liana come with me" harry said , he lean me to bed . " Do u want to sleep ?" He ask. Idk why but I want to sleep so so badly . " Yeah , but its only evening why i feel sleep" I was rambling up the words .

" Then sleep Liana sleep-" with that everything black out .

( Harry Styles pov)

" Then sleep Liana sleep well" I said as she landed herself on me , I put her on bed n called Liam up.

Other boys come up too. Liam reach the bed n put on cover n kiss her forehead.

Then he look at us , " we need to pack bag now.  book the private plane" he said , Louis called our private plane manager n book a flight for tonight . Me n Liam pack bag for her.

" Liam don't forget to pack her pads for her , they need it . It comes anytime " I said , although we are boys but we do have pads foe girls. We bought all products that a girl need for her privacy.

" Ya sure " he said , he pack his old hoodie n sweatpants with some tops n shorts of him. Put pads , powder , wips , coco cream , medicine.

Liana was still sleeping in her room. Druging her isn't too good idea , she is young n too much drug isn't good.

I went to my room n pack my bag . I check my phone , Michelle had text me . A smile spread across my face.


Michelle = M
Harry = H

When r u  comin back?

Maybe tonight or in morning , just can't wait to see you darling.x

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