luv, u r mine ✨💫❤️🌸🤗

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Im directively writting the kidnapin scene becoz I have already written the part of Harry n Zayn . Twpk or twpfk.luvxxx. - M

(Liam pov)

* Before kidnapin @ 11.25 pm*

I call all the boys down . It was pretty nice to see them all in black cover, some of them have dye hair.

" Let's go" I said and we all jump into car . It was black rang rover.

We wait for Liana to come out of that house . Finally the couple come n Liana came.

She walk n was callin someone.
She showed a expression of disappointment. She look back thinking it was late to get back into that house.

She kept walking n we r going to get on work.

Louis start car n follow her . She hear us n walk faster , he turn on the Speed. This time she startes running.

" I think we should come out of car " Zayn said putting knife in his shoes. " Wait there is a invert corner in farther streets. She will get in it" Niall said as he knows it.

She turn into that corner n we passby . We park the car n came out of it . Niall stayed in the car n took driver seat.

Zayn sign us to take our position. Liana slowly came out looking if the path was clearer.

She came in light . I grab her arms n push her on walls. She fall down n look at us .

" If u even speak a word I will not hesitate to kill you " I said pulling out a gun.

She stand up n tries to ran the side of louis . Pushing him. He catch her anyhow n throw into the car . Where we kept Spencer body.

" Look if don't want to come with us then " I made her site n then pulled up Spencer body.

Zayn had got he unconscious, in evening .

" Spencer !" She shouted , n ran into his arms. No Liana ur r mine. I pulled her back by hair.

She start crying , her hands rang over her hair where I was pulling her , I leave her hair n leveled to her , " bae don't cry .... Look at me " I told her but she didn't look at me n try to near to Spencer. " STOP YOUR CRYIN !!" I shout at her. Why can't she understands that she is my girl. Somehow she managed to stop

I pull Spencer body up , Spencer was breathing. " He isn't dead now " then put his body down. " Pls let us go pls I beg u " she beg me , I just laughed , oh girl what did boy did to you. " If u don't come with us then we will kill him " I said to her proposing her a deal

She look at Spencer who was brutally hurted in every part of his body n said " Pls don't do anything to him , I will come " I smile n told harry " take body " pointing to Spencer

Zayn n I tied her up and throw in car. louis exchange his place with Niall n he sat back with Liana . We didn't gave her any sleeping injection becoz I want to make sure that she knows that she is with me now. Zayn sat by louis , Harry n Niall infront of Liana , I sat next to her.

After sometime, suddenly she hit Harry in his balls n he was knocked out by it. I bend towards him. She stand up and open the door.

Louis turn car into zik-zak form so she can't get out. I try to grab her but she jump out n land on road n start running.

" Stop the freaking car LouIS" I shout him to stop. We all get out of car n ran after her, she went so far from us.

We ran into dark woods . Suddenly she disappeared . " Where is she?" Niall ask " ahhe" we hear a soft voice from near by. Infront of Zayn . Zayn took out a gun .

" There she is " louis said pointing down far from Zayn. I pull her up by arms. She grons in pain . " Wait her ankle are bleeding" Zayn said look at her ankle n Harry point to a huge sharp stone near her foot. Oh dear that hurts bad.

I slowly turn Liana upwards. I whisper into her ears " Liana open ur eyes , look at me" she open her eyes n look at me " im gonna carry you "
Before she can say anything i pull her up by waist n put her over my shoulders . Looking at her bleeding ankle.

" Pls let me go " she beg me in low voice. "Shut up" I spat her on her hips. We stop here the car , I opened the door and put her in , putting her foot gently in. " If u won't move much , it won't hurt" I said while removing the alcoholic liquid bottle which we use to unconscious people.

Before she can do anything wrong again , I rang a wet clothe over her nose , she try not to smell. After 10 min or so , she finally closed her eyes n land her head over the seat.

I clean the blood on her foot which was dry due to cutting of ankle. She kinda had a deep cut. Oh baby she might be in bad pain. I put some medicine over it , I had a first aid kit . I bandage her ankle and carry her in .

" Its getting late , we should go" louis said n start the car.

Niall sat with louis , harry n Zayn infront of us . I rested Liana head on my lap .

Finally , after very long time she is mine physically . I always want to hold her in my arms . I love you Liana.

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