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(Liam pov)

Its gonna be easy to deal with this man .

" So what bring you here ?" He ask me . " Memories" I said with  half lie n half truth. " That's great , so hows  life "

" Just great " I sat as he guided me . " Had wife or kids?" He ask smiling as if I do , " no no , I still have much time ." We both laugh like old mens.

" Well what ab u ?" I ask him. " Well , as usual like ur time mr.Payne, but tell me what I can do for you ?" He ask me putting his pen away.

" Well , I love sports ya knw " " uhm-h" he nodded " I wanna do a competition here but before it I wanna check their data"

" That's great .... We love to have our old student putting up stuff here tell of which grades?"
" How bout 11 n 12?" I ask him.

He pull his drawer n was searching something. Then he finally pulled out two files.

" Here , the 11 grade n 12 grade data ab their health n sports" he handed me . " Ah " I turn to him. " Liam don't forget to give me back this files as soon as possible, ok?"  He ask him . " Yeah yeah sir " with that I came out of room n settle in guest which .

I look for camera if there was . It was in the hiden corner. I sat opposite of it.

I open 11 grade grade of girls n look for Liana name.

* In file *
Full Name: Liana Hamilton Ayran

Grade: Junior ( eleventh year)

Department: Business

Optional Department: Arts

Roll Number: 028

Siblings in school : None

Home address : st.Peter street, near Market 'O+D' apartments .

Phone no. : +44xxxxxxxxxx

Religion : Christian

Colour : White - Brown

Nationality : Indian

Citizen : British

Birth place : United Kingdom , England,  Hampton , North Carolina Hostipal .

Birthday : Seventeen  November Two Thousand Four.
( 11-17-2004)

Any diseases : None

Height : 152.4 cm ( 5 ft.)

Eye colour : dark brown

Weight : 44 kg

Hair : Black

Eye number : left + 0.4 and right + 0.3

Age : Seventeen years old  ( 17 yrs old)

Gender : Female

Cast : General

Sports : basketball

Allergies : none

Last school attended :Mount Marry Middle School.

Parents : mother and father

Father name :  Hamilton Peterson

Father profession: Doctor

Work address : north Street , Cross road , Apollo hospital.

Phone no. : +44xxxxxxxxxx

Home address :  High Court street , South Allentown , 234/5 plot ,  private House.

Nationality : British

Birthplace : United Kingdom, England , London .

Citizen: British

Mother name: Katiny Bentick  Fisher.

Mother profession : nurse

Work address : north Street , Cross road , Apollo hospital.

Phone no. : +44xxxxxxxxxx

Home address :  High Court street , South Allentown , 234/5 plot ,  private House.

Nationality : British

Birthplace : United Kingdom, England ,Wolverhampton .

Citizen : British.

* Over *

I got her phone number , address ,her parents address n everything I wanted.

I took a 11 grade boys files looking for Spencer.

* In file*

Full name : Spencer Dan Tyone

Grade : Junior ( eleventh year)

Department : Engineer

Optional Department : none

Roll no. 089

Siblings in school: none

Home address : Aline Barros road , Revan Apartments & co.

Phone no. :+44xxxxxxxxxx

Religion : Christian

Colour : White

Nationality : British

Citizen : British

Birthplace : United Kingdom, England,Wolverhampton , Dans Hospital.

Birthday : Twenty Seven January Two Thousand Four. ( 1-27-2004)

Any diseases : none

Height : 175.26 cm (5'ft 9 Inc)

Eye colour : Blue

Weight: 70 kg

Hair : brown

Eye number : none

Age : 17

Gender : male

Cast : general

Sports : football

Allergies : mushroom

Last school attended: St. Gegore Boys Middle School

Parents: Mother

Father name : Late. Dan George Tyone

Father Profession: none

Work address : none

Phone number: none

Home address : none

Nationality: none

Birthplace: none


Mother name : Marry Dan Tyone

Work profession: Lawyer

Work address : Centeral high Court

Home address : Aline Barros road , Revan Apartments & co.

Phone no. :+44xxxxxxxxxx

Religion : Christian

Colour : White

Nationality : British

Citizen : British

* Over*

It was that Spencer dad was no over , he died in a car accident. I know it already . that lady in kitchen would be mother as their address r same.

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