Niall's Laugh 👌

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( Michelle pov)

"Harry ! Put me down ! Right now!" I struggle on his shoulder n hit his back.

" Haha , no kitten " he said n opened our room.

I can't see properly but it seems our room . I was still now his shoulder  ,plus he's very tall like double of me . Don't judge me I'm five ft.

" Ugh harry ! " I said.

He lock the doors and then throw me on bed. Oh no . No !

Idk the way he throw me like wrestler .... All my long thick dark hair fall on my face . I flip them back ,

" harry please not now ... Im not in mood . Its not the right time " I said to him as he came over n sat on bed.

" What not in mood ? " He ask me .

" What u wanna do " I said as I drag myself away from him.

He laugh n drag me back to him n put my leg on his laps.

" Aww baby no no , i wanna ask ab this." He removed his phone and open the chats.

He opened that chat which I texted him that I have suprise for him

That suprise !!

" Ohh....-" "OHHHhhhWHATTTtttsssSUPRISEEeee?" He ask in rythm.

I would never let him know till we got home . I mean his fuckin mansion.

Am I fallin for him ? Anyways I came off bed n went to balcony not replying him

N him as used to my this behaviour , he laid on bed like that.

" Ya sure not gonna tell me ?" He ask laying his back on bed.

" Hm" I reply from balcony n looking out the huge garden Liam has made.

" K then bae" he said n I heard him getting off bed n removing his phone.

Wait a minute.

He may call aunt .

She will tell him.

I quickly went in to see if he's calling her or not

" Harry r u callin someone" i ask him , he said nth but laugh n try hiding his phone as I came closer to bed.

"Harry , don't u even call her"
I said to him n get on bed tryna steal his phone

" Catch me if u can " he said n rolled off bed n ran around room.

" Harry come here!" I ran behind him.

I don't want me suprise to be open up.

Ugh he was so tall plus he can run so Fuckin fast.

" U Eiffel tower, don't u even dare call her ! Ugh stop running ! HARRYYY!" I was screaming n running after him .

( Niall Horan pov)

I want to eat !

Maybe harry could make something for me.

I was humming songs n climbing up stairs to his room.

I was about to open the door completely until I hear , "U Eiffel tower, don't u even dare call her ! Ugh stop running ! HARRYYY!" Of a small girl.

I open the door very little , enough my eyes only to see.

Wait hahaha wtf , Michelle is running after Harry.

I mean Harry can run very fast n here Michelle who always deny to run.

So , Harold is in mood.

Idk why but I was laughing quite looking at them.

" Haha , so small . Aww ur  little paws " he said running to her.

She stoped running n made a face of annoyed n angry mixed.

" Little. pAwS!?" She said in with her hands in question

Harry slowly stop running.

" Yeah ! My little kitten " harry turn to her n made an innocent face , not saying in sexual but pure in love.

" I fucking done with ya. Lemma show ya my paws power , u tower!" With that she climbed up a desk n jump on him.

Harry made a face of not knowing whether to move or catch her.

N thus she fall on him dropping his back floor.

I can clearly say that he wanted her on him.

She finally took the phone from me by snatching n sat on his stomach.

While she go through his phone, Harry warp his arms around her waist . She's very tiny compare to him.

As he tight the grip , she harshly pull away his arms n stand up from his stomach while her face was still into his phone.

Omg this girl can never get romantic.

They will fall u in love but never love you back.

Harry face turn into disappointment n sad as she left him , like a child losing his candy.

Just can't stop laughing at them.

Just can't stop laughing at them

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