25 n Indian !?

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(Liana Pov)

" Liam, give me that hotpad now please" I ask him to bring me , he ran n gave me. 

" Bae-" " what" I was so mad Idk why.

" Uhm nth , I put the fresh pad on bed , shower is hot n I put new soap , if need me scream " with that he ran out of room due to fear that I will beat him

Yes , I have beat n scream at him many times , Michelle taught me how to tackle boys.

I went to shower n did my things. 

" Liana , may I come in ?" Michelle ask me through doors

" Yeah , Shelly , come in " I called michelle as Shelly for short.

She entered n close the door

" So u did it ..." She said , I know what she means , she told me to act like a cute angry wife towards Liam.

" Did u see him? " Him as Liam, I ask her if she saw the reaction of Liam running out of the room .

Because she recommended me that he gets mad ,
act like a baby - speak like sassy , (gurl it really works ;) )

" The way he's ordering than he eats , its crazy plus I smelled a pasta dish " she said.

" Really ? No way ! " I literally jump off the bed due to excitement of eating chocolates n pastas but my cramps creeped up hella.

" No u rest , ur still a teen , periods are mostly disgusting during this time " she said as she helped me to sit back on my place n place the warm pad back.

I literally can't believe that Liam is ordering chocolates for me n he's not eating any one. The only similarity we share is love over chocolate.

" What's ab u ?" I ask her.

" Well mine will be coming soon " she said .

Harry ? No ! , its not always harry , its period date .

" Hm , I think we should buy some period clothes too ?" I suggest her. I she replied in positive.

"Michelle r u in ?" Harry ask us through door.

" Ugh this boy , can't live a second without me " Michelle cringe .

" But u like to hug him , don't u " I winked at her n she hit me with a pillow , we laugh .

" Its not like that tbh , he's just a warm hugger that's it n plus he has huge arms " she said before walking towards door n opening half , hanging her hands on wall n one on door.

" Yes harry it's michelle , say what u need " she ask through to him

" Ofc u or who ?" He said.

" Ok Liana I'm taking Michelle away bye " he said enough loud for me to hear

Before she can even protest , he wrap his arms around her waist n Carry her in bride way n here they go again.

I took my magazine n started reading.

I hear someone walking up stairs n enter my room . I look up to see Liam n in new outfit.

" Hi " he said .

I look up to down his outfit. N my bruh gurl came out.

" Ayo wassup bruh !" I accidentally said without regretting.

The face Liam had after I said him bruh, like completely disappointed with world decisions , like a broken heart with angry birds.

Then he smirked n I hide my face into sheets ,

" Bruh ? , I know u don't regret but u should" he said as he slowly climb the bed. I slowly moved away .

Before I can move any further he catch n made me sat on his lap.

" Liam im on periods , its weird !" I said to let it go for now

" I don't really mind, its natural , here this might feel better " he said n massage my back . Idk why it's feel good. My stress go away

" Feeling better bae? " he ask.

" Yeah " I said .

( Liam Payne pov)

Poor girl , terrible period pain. I knew it before so I was already prepared.

Idk why sometimes when she's Angry I feel scared of her , i try act hard but she beat me . And yeah her hands n legs are strong than u think.

I have two elder sisters so I know such things . Thanks to them n mum.

" Thanks Liam " Liana said.

" So do u have any idea ab how long it's gonna be ?" I ask her as I softly cuddle her.

She rest her head on my chest n said " uhm , not sure but will end in two days ,but why you are asking ? "

" I was thinking to take u on shopping " I said.

Her expression changed into excitement.

" That's great Liam I luv to , do one thing write a list for shopping " she said as she turn her heads towards my face.

I pull out my phone n showed her the list I have prepared already.

" impressive! " She said.

" Just edited out " I said .

Then she went on editing n ask me if we have stuffs at home.

After some minutes we finally got list prepared. She stood up to change her pad. I was standing outside the bathroom door for her.

" Mr.payne are you in , its urgent!" My butler ask me through doors.

" Yeah comin in mins pls " I shout back .

" Okay , im waiting outside" he said , hoping I would come out.

Liana come out within seconds. " What happened Liam , everything alright?" She ask me.

" Yeah , Don't worry darling" I said n left room

I closed the doors n went straight to my butler.

" Yes John , say what's it's?" I ask him

" A multi-millioner has fill a case against you " he said.

" What!?" Who the fuck has filled me !

" Yes sir , its Alex the new multi-millioner from California" I said.

" Did he distrub other boys ?" I ask him as we straight went to my home office .

" No sir , only you . He has case you against illegal trading of drugs and hiding and vanishing cashed of murders and court " he said.

He opened the door for me and we enter in , I request to lock it.

I remove my covering filles.

" Seems like the dude has done alot of research on me "
I said

" Hes only 25 Yrs old and uhm he is a Indian!" John said.

Before I sat on my chair n pardon John , " Indian!?"

" Yes , doubtful isn't ?" He said.

What The Fuck

What The Fuck

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