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(Liam pov)

" Hi " I called Liana who was walking opposite of me in streets at night . " Hey Liam" she waved at me , I came closer to her. "  what r u doin here it's late night" I ask her even though I was following her all day . " Nothin just work " she smiled at me . I can see that she was feeling cold " here take my coat , it feels warms " I remove my armani coat n gave her.

She hesitate to wear it but the cold wind. She looks good in my clothes. " Liana u r very beautiful" I came closer to her I cant hold my myself , she is mine .

" Liam r u okay" she ask getting far from me, but I hold her closer by griping her back . " Liam , this is wrong leave me " she tries to push me back . Oh her little body. "  No it's not , do you even know me properly.... We were in the same school. I was in seniors... Do u even remember me ? Huh?" I ask her slightly shaking . " Pls let me go " she tried her best to get loose from my grif ,  I hold her more tight.

" Do u even knw how badly I want u in my arms?" I touch my forehead with her . I kiss her forehead n hold her closer n tighter. " Liam pls let me go " she started crying . I was shook, no not me little angel . I immediately loose her n let her go. She ran away from me as fast as she can.

Spencer was in town this night. Plus her frd was with her bf at his house. She was going to be all alone in house.

I kept an lovely letter for her on her bed drawer where she keeps her old drawings.

Just for tonight I'm gonna sleep alone in my bed thinking about Liana.

Just for tonight I'm gonna sleep alone in my bed thinking about Liana

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