👿Lev d×n't let live🔪

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Okay so here is the thing , Lev also known as Axel ,whose surname is Aryan and if you remember Liana's surname you will find one of the reason why Lev is behind Liam.

(Lev pov)

"Thank you mr.Aryan , I literally have no words to describe your help . If you were been there for us , my son wouldn't be live " his mother thank me .

I book two tickets for London , I do have my own masion there.

I don't think Liam is the right person for her. He wasn't good enough for my ex then how come he even though of her.

"Im ready , do I need anything else?" Spencer ask me .

" No , you just take ur medicines " I told him

It been a week since the Liam's incident.

" And you can call me anytime , I even have put some money for you miss " I told his mother.

sometime I wish you was in there was much better but now is there so what can I do it's nothing I can do literally nothing.

MI and Spencer final left for the airport, we arrived at airport in 15 minutes ask him hand me his suitcase so I can help him out plus he was fractured badly.

"So are we gonna meet Liam directly just gonna stay there for some days and founded about him?" Spencer ask me during flight

"To be honest with you Spencer, he has kidnap ur gf , n ofc he didn't seems to be a nice person , so we r gonna fill complain ab him to London police but I want to ask u something " I ask him.

" Yeah sure ... Ask " he said.

" Did Liana ever took drugs or been pregnant or got abortion?" First he look at me seriously n he finally replied

" No man never , she is pure as angel , she never been to a single party before plus she used to babysit children Axel" he said.

" That's nice .... It would become easily for police to believe at us " I said to him n he nodded.

* 15min after Spencer sleeps , Axel looking at window *

Everything has changed , to save other you have to lost urself but the thing is ur love towards ur beloved never change , you still look at them the way you look at 5 year old you.

Really nothing stand against family.

" Who r they ?" Spencer ask me , while looking at the picture on borad.

" Uhm they some frd from school " I said n walk to where he was standing.

" They look elder than school boys n girls " he said.

" Yeah we hit gym alot " I said.

" So what r we going to do now " he ask

" Well let's first collection information ab them n ur girl " I said.

" All I know is Harry Styles n Zain Malik " he said

" Okay tell me " I said

We went to office n I recorded all he told n help he to remember ab them .

" Look-i- can't do this-i" " its okay ,we can do it tomorrow , let's go home " I said n stand up .

I closed the office , secure all the records.

" Did u bring ur medicines?" I ask him.

" Yeah I did , why?" Spencer ask me.

" We r goin going out , let me give u London taste ":I said n we went to my fav restaurant.

" Good evening gentleman , what would you like to order" the waiter ask us.

I ordered the food.

The waiter bring our food in few minutes n we start my dinner.

" So ya mum called u ?" I ask him.

" Call me ? No she texted , called n video called me n even sent me' 5 easy way to cook' " he said.

" Haha mum things " I said

" Yeah " he said

" What ab u ?" He ask.

" What- mum?" I look at him ,
" Ofc , mum , does ur mum calls u daily ?" He ask

Mum n daily , she hates me .

" Actually , we aren't having good time , so uhm , yeah u know " I said honestly.

" Oh I'm sorry , but believe everything will be good back very soon dude " he said.

" Thx" I thanked him

We finally ate our food n went back to home

Spencer took his medecine n went to sleep.

I turn off light n went to my room n sat on bed . I try to sleep but I couldn't. I took my phone n reach contact. I type mum , almost called her but I just can't. She is angry due me , embarassed by me, sad by my actions.

I miss my mum smile , her ' proud of you my boy' saying , her hugging me , her feeding me , her telling me motivation things, her laugh.

I miss my mum.

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