child sake

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( Liana pov)

" Liana-liana!" An hard slap on my cheeks , straight to wake up.

I fixed my vision n it was Michelle.

I look around , I was in back suv car.

Michelle had a Harmer n red eye.

" Get up! Run!" She point me to the unlock door .

I push the button n open em. N get on the empty road. Either it earlier morning or about to night.

" Lets go" I said waved her to come out of car n wait for her.

I look around there was a couple of cars.

" No I'm not coming. Here phone" she shook her head n pass a phone.

" Where are the boys?" I ask her, " the back car, they are unconscious but such for few minutes. Now go n live!" She pointed the Harmer to road.

" What about you! I can't leave u." I said

" Harry will protect me, okay. Liam will kill u . He has killed before-" " so can harry! We promise to escape together!" I ain't leaving her.

" R u mad! Liana-u will not listen to me like that..." She got annoyed by me n got a gun under a seat , loaded em n pointed it to me.

" I will leave!" N she pulled the trigger.

I close my eyes to get hurt but the bullet went above my shoulder. She shot once more, n it was more close to my ear.

She pulled the trigger again but the bullet went out.

I run back into the car, n jump on her.

" Im not leaving!" She caught my hands n pulled them.

" I have beated off guys ass! They punish me! Liana , I won't let them destroy your life! " She said " you will not suffer alone. I will not let!" I keep her layed.

" Im fucking pregnant! Harry want kids!" She said n heavy sighted.


" Run! U need to run! Harry will forgive me!" She opened her eyes.

" I beg u Liana!" She said.

I slowly got up n help her stand, " really?" I was sad n happy at the same time.

" Yeah! " She nodded.

" Don't u need me?" I ask her
" I will miss you " she said.

I jump off the car , I turn to look at her.

I run n hug her.

" Michelle, I love you . U r going to strongest mother" I said n cry

" Thank you but now run. They will get up soon " she said.

I started slowing running on the empty.

I was crying so badly, I left her alone with a child with those curel people.

I keep running , the fact it was getting bright atmosphere , it was day.

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