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(Liam pov)

Spencer , you have put hands on wrong girl. She is mine. why do I always have to hard with him since years .

When I was in last year of high school , Liana was in first year . She meet Spencer in her class.
He was very good at sports .

He always had some sort of agruments with me n my teammates over sports plainings.

I hate this guy . Whenever I see him with Liana , it boils my blood , n now he is kissing her . I wish I could kill him right there , right now.

I was observing Liana house n going to her some stuff . I got a fake key of her house years ago.

I watch them kissing and I was planning 835 ways to kill him .

They parted way , she went inside her house knowing that her frd was out and she was all alone ..... I could kidnap her right now but the thing I don't want it easy way.

I will make her come with me whether she like it or not.

Now I'm heading to Spencer house . I remember once i egged his house. It was Louis plan . I laugh myself.

I remember this streets where I was  angry the most but sometimes Liana would come here n it would make me smile .
Dam she smiles are so cute n sexy at the same .

I didn't excepted Liana to be working in a coffee shop . But she came up to me out of blue n I just had coffee of her fav .

I remember it since last years. She always had fav coffee which was mocha with whipped cream sometimes she adds choco syrup.

I was making fun of harrys name as ' Harriya' , then he spoke " what bout 'Liana' ?" He said laughing.
I laughed too " looks like harriya eyes are on Liana Aryan , the first year batch?" Zayn ask him sipping his beer.
" Really Harry?" Niall ask .
"First of all I don't like her that much , I just have seen her n meet once " Harry said. "Liana ? like Liam"  I said " hm " harry hummed .

I should see my female version ( taking in a humour way) .

I went to see Liana in sport class with Harry . " Hey Liana" harry greeted her , a girl with long black hair and only 5ft tall turn to harry n greeted .

" This is Liam , my friend" pointing to me , " oh hey Liam, we have similar name" she giggles ... This girl is so gorgeous . " Yeah we do..." I laugh a little.

Liana n I had a little conversation then the bell rang . She stand ," hope to see you again" then  she left.

"You like Liana , don't you?" Harry ask , I just smiled.

Slowly I start falling for her.

~end of the flashback~

I watch Spencer park his bike in garage and went inside turning off lights.

Spencer .... Count your days to died now.

 Count your days to died now

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