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( Liana pov)

I can't believe this Liam , he was so soft towards me n then suddenly. He was angry from the starting becoz of Spencer.

He told me that he like me since freshman year . Spencer was in same sports as him.

I was lying on ground. I stand up n try to open the door, but I couldn't.

" Some one open the door" I scream through doors but no one came.

No one.

No one came to help me , but I always help them back n when I try to stay away from toxic they pull me in.

I bang my hands over the doors. I hear someone climbing up the stairs ," open her door n I will kick you out!" I hear Liam  angry voice , " but she is-" I hear Niall voice, " Niall don't you understand what I said or you want to face problem!?" He scream at him.

I hear two pair of boots fading away.

I start crying .

I never knew this Liam, dangerous , bad , n mean .

A total psychopathic.

( Liam Payne pov)

Idk why but I was very angry at something.

" Liam , I got a call from hospital" Zayn came down , " what they said?" I ask him , " unfortunately Spencer woke n he is ready to get discharge " shit. I got so annoying by listening to his name ' Spencer' .

" Okay , I think we should leave tomorrow" I said, " what to do with her" Zayn ask , " i have my own ways" I said .

I was done being all good , I try to show her my love n care but still she think ab Spencer.

I need to make her realise that she is mine ,in  good n simple way or I do my way.

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