do. do What?

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( Liana pov)

I went to bathroom , to clean myself.

I look myself at mirror n think .

I have to accept the fact that this is my life , wild.

Liam loves or not , it doesn't matter rn , he should not hurt me while Michelle n Niall r around.

I have to do something. Act around or really love him. I know love cant be done it comes but least I can try.

But for sure I will make Liam my frd.

I walk out of room , completely aware its his room, in his frds mansion. " So, let's sleep ?" He ask me , jumping on the bed with his boxers only.

I frown at his movement  n just stood against the bed. He understood my reaction , " I mean not that sleep , like a normal sleep , Rest-" " just stay away" I didn't want to slap him rn , so I just drag myself on soft bed n put a pillow between us.

" Good night sweetheart" he whisper, " good night Liam"with that we slept.

*In morning*

" Liana !! Wake uppp" I been hearing Michelles voice tryna wake me up. She jumped on me, I had to stood. " What it is?" " Shopping!" She said one word n I got up quickly.

" But I need to make Liam's my frd!" I said to her .

" What!? R u mad?" She exclaimed in angry.

" No , I just accepting the fact of my presences!" I said

" but cops , normal ppl would help us" she said.

" I need to think dude" I said.

" Take ur time , Im going down to get ready" she said hugging me n left.

I got n thought ab the plan while getting ready.

She's not wrong , Liam's way to strong !

I finally decided what to do , I rechecked myself on mirror. Shorts n long shirt, unbutton till my clevage is visible.

I went downstairs , catching sensual glance of Liam watching me.

Guess what, I was wearing his shirt.

I didn't meet him but straight went to Michelle room.

I was about to take turn, got my arms pulled back n my body force back , hitting the wall. Took me a second to hold on.

" Mine !" I face up to Liam biting his lip , while his eyes traveling up down my body. "Wtf Liam?"  " Wish I could just rn" he commented. " Liam -" he put his head on my nick my n start kissing on my neck.

" Liana-!"

I push Liam off , he back off , we turn our face to angry face of Michelle on Liam.

" Oh I was just fixing her earing " he said , she took steps farther ," how can u fix a earing with a ring on her ear, teach me too huh!" She said n took me to kitchen by arms.

Got to see Niall in it cooking . " Hey girls good morning!" " Good morning Niall" we said together.

" Breakfast?" " Sure"

We sat on table all three together , feel like im in my frd group.

" So why ya both dressed up?" He ask. " Shopping!" Michelle exclaimed " Nice , last time together though" n he continued to eat.

We both drop our knife n fort on plate, with his last sentence, Niall look up , we both each a confused glare.

" What do u mean by last time together?" I ask .

Niall rest his back on chair support, " ya idk ? didn't Harry n Liam told ya?"
" What!?"

He sighed n put his hands on table," look, this is louis house very open to public cause of his less crimes, we can't stay here forever! U both will be separated by tomorrow, plus our shopping bag in different house! This is our last day together!" He said.

Me n Michelle, start questioning him together n arguing to be together, Niall was trying to understand us n from somewhere , Harry came.

" When ya told that ya both going in own house , then there nothing to argue ab stay here. Plus both if you going to meet each other " harry said while sipping his coffee.

" Harry u know i don't have a house!" Michelle reply back.

" I mean u n mine house bae" " harry-" " u know me too well Michelle don't fight me back" " ughhh!"

*In shopping mall*

" Look thiss hot!" Liam took a dress , n showed me, " yeah it is "

I was about to took the clothes but Liam stop me, be said that he will pay all the bills

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I was about to took the clothes but Liam stop me, be said that he will pay all the bills.

Me n Michelle left for bathroom.

N I still donno if to leave or shop?

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